After seeing the play Lysistrata, the women of a New Jersey town start turning away from their husbands and boyfriends in the bedroom. Entertaining to be posting about receiving this one on Valentine's Day, but I have always really enjoyed the novels I've read by Wolitzer and this one, about women's desire, sounds like it will be just as captivating as her previous books.
I thoroughly enjoyed the offbeat topic of Mermaids on the Moon by Stuckey-French so this story of an older woman who intends to kill the doctor who fed her a radioactive concoction while she was pregnant so many years ago but can't because she really likes his quirky family sounds like my kind of farce.
There's just something about a chicken on the cover of a book, isn't there? This seems like the novel version of those buying a rundown house/farm and changing your life's direction tales filling the biography section at the bookstore. I adore those in memoir form and I'm interested to see how I like it in novel form.
A young woman leaving for art school and to start building new friendships leaves behind her father for the first time since her mother died. But her father shows up in her fledgling life, drunk and disheveled and she must decide what of the past moves forward into her new life. A different twist on the coming of age novel, this one sounds like a good read.
As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Library of Clean Reads as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.
Both "The Uncoupling" and "Home to Woefield" sound really good!
ReplyDeleteLOL, as soon as I saw that chicken,I signed up for the book on GoodReads. I will be interested in how it turns out. I love memoirs too,
Looking forward to your thoughts on Invisible River!
ReplyDeleteI got The Uncoupling too and am really looking forward to it! I adored her last novel.