The text is illuminated and enhanced by the chosen images. Much of the information will be on things that interested readers learned in a world history class but if it's been a while since they've been in a class, it is a concise reminder of previous learning. I thoroughly enjoyed the early chapters for refreshing my memory on the things I learned in geology and history of life classes in college many years ago. And it is fascinating to see so clearly the way that our history, the history of the entire world, all the people on all of the continents, is one large tapestry woven together rather than disparate civilizations in a vaccuum. The book pulls everything into one piece, rather than examining it as seperate occurrences, so that it is clear how all of history has built upon that which came before. There is, of course a lot toward the end of the book, given that we know our own recent past the best, and it remains to be seen how what we are experiencing today will change the world, but it is important to see ourselves in the continuum of humankind's history as this book clearly shows. It's a beautiful and ambitious book that can and will keep the reader immersed for hours.
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I was such a geology nut in high school and for awhile I really thought about becoming a Geologist. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Thank you for being on this tour, this looks like something I need to add to my Christmas list! Sara @ TLC Book Tours