The basic idea of this challenge is to read books about Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, or Transgendered topics and/or by GLBT authors.
The challenge runs year-round, and there will be three levels of participation:
Lambda Level: Read 4 books.
Pink Triangle Level: Read 8 books.
Rainbow Level: Read 12 or more books.
You don't need to choose your books right away, and they can change at any time. Overlaps with other challenges are fine.
I'll be going for the Lambda level, which only requires 4 books because I am generally clueless about the sexual orientation of the authors whom I am reading (as a matter of fact, I had to scroll through the list of authors on the site to find three of these four but I did already own them so that's good).
1. The Well of Loneliness by Radcliff Hall
2. The Kid by Dan Savage
3. Openly Bob by Bob Smith
4. She’s Not There by Jennifer Finney Boylan
and the trusty alternate since I never stick to my original lists:
5. Swish by Joel Derfner
Yay! Thanks for joining us! :)