Flowers spring up all over with the change from winter to spring. (And yes, here in the sunny south, it is already firmly spring. Just ask my daffodils and budding trees.) Publishers too have seasons and spring is a big one as it sees the publication of many new, fantastic books. Last evening we were treated to five mainly regional authors who have newly released books. They all spoke briefly and did a short reading before mingling and signing books. And although I had to duck out part way through for a carpool run, based on what I heard, I'm definitely going to have to add each and every one of the books to my collection. (OK, in the interest of full disclosure, I've already added some of them prior to the event but now I need to get those I hadn't already.)

I am sad to admit that at this point, I had to sneak out of the event and run carpool but I suspect that this saved me some serious money because heaven knows that not only would I have bought the books I was missing out of the five being presented, I would certainly have wandered the store and stocked up on another ton of books I definitely couldn't live without. (Don't worry Sally, I'll be in to do this anyway just as soon as I find a spare minute in my kid-dominated schedule.) (And to my loving husband if you are reading this, I am totally lying to Sally. OK, I'm not. But you'll love me anyway, won't you?) The books I missed sound great too and I just know the authors were as personable and fun to listen to as the three I did get to hear.

If I've made you sufficiently jealous of my evening, know that there are WNBA chapters all across the country who offer wonderful events like this one. Go to the national WNBA website and find your closest chapter to join in. Any and all book loving people are welcome.
What a fun night! Thanks for coming out and listening to us blather on. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this excellent write-up, Kristen! And you DID miss out by not being able to stay for Holly Goddard Jones and Margaret Wrinkle. After you read their books, you can comment further!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this excellent write-up, Kristen! You DID miss out by being obliged to leave before you heard Holly Goddard Jones and Margaret Wrinkle, too. After you read their fine books, you can comment on them further!