One of the cool features of Book Blogger Appreciation Week has been the opportunity to interview a fellow blogger. Not only did I get to know April of Cafe of Dreams better, but now all of you do too. (I freely admit to stealing many of these excellent questions from Shelf Awareness' Book Brahmin feature.) Here's how April answered my pirated questions:
Which book or books are on your nightstand right now?
On my Blackberry I am reading Double Out and Back by Lisa Lipkind Leibow, in print copy, I am reading Distant Thunder by Jimmy Root, Bran Hambric by Kaleb Nation and on my mp3, I am listening to Vanished by Joseph Finder. That's what I am currently involved in, however, the stacks are completely overflowing, lol!
What was your favourite book when you were a child?
As a young child, I loved The Berestein Bears. As I got a bit older and could read the longer books, The Boxcar Children and Trixie Belden were absolute favorites
Who are your top five authors?
YIKES! That's a hard one! There are so many wonderful authors out there that I love! Ones that come to mind that I adore are: Janet Evanovich, Harlan Coben, Jodi Picoult, Mary Kay Andrews and Sarah Allison Allen
Is there a book you've faked reading? What is it?
Really, there isn't any that I can think of. If I don't enjoy a book I just won't read it - no reason to fake, just tell it like it is, lol.
What's your favourite line from a book?
Honestly, I can't think of one right off hand. I know that once in a while I will pick out favorite lines from books that I am reviewing and include them in my review.
What book would you most want to read again for the first time?
The Time Traveler's Wife comes to mind. That was one book that I was pleasantly blown away by.
What was the last book you bought?
DFF: Dead Friends Forever by J.R. Turner
What is the last book you got at the library?
The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins (needless to say, I did not get it read, but bought a copy later on, lol)
Where do you look most for book recommendations?
From fellow book bloggers. There is a wealth of information to be had by reading and following all of the great book blogs out there. Also, amazingly, I have found some really great books and authors via Twitter.
How did you get started blogging?
I actually started blogging as a way to easily keep track of the books that I read for the year. I never dreamt that it would have blossomed into something so awesome and wonderful! I have met so many wonderful people, authors, publishers and new friends from blogging. It has been so much fun and I truly love it!
What genre is your favorite to review?
That's kind of a hard one. I don't know if there really is a particular genre that I prefer to review over another. I love paranormal and suspense. Maybe, I could lean toward saying humorous books because then I can add some funny little twists in my reviews.
Do you have any reading guilty pleasures?
Besides the massive toppling mountains of books?! lol I love bookmarks and love to collect them. I also have a bad habit of getting myself a pint of Ben & Jerry ice cream or gourmet popcorn to snack on after the kids go to bed and I can settle into a great book, lol.
Tell us one funny or interesting thing about yourself that is completely
unrelated to books or blogging.
I'm double jointed. LOL, that just popped in my mind. It was funny because I went with my daughter and her class on a field trip last year and a small group of us were sitting together during a lunch break. Well, as kids do, they were doing the "I can do this, I bet you can't" gig. So finally, I showed them how I could bend my hand/wrist all the way back so that my thumb touches my wrist. You should have seen the amazement on their faces - especially one little boy in particular who is considered a bit of the trouble maker in the class. He kept asking me how I did that and to show him again and again.
Do you have any other hobbies or passions besides reading?
Writing. I love to write and play with words. I am also a word and seek and find game-a-holic. I love playing my DS and on Pogo.com. I have always been hugely into games and that hasn't changed with age, in the least, lol. My biggest passion, of course, are my kids. They are the center of my life and just looking at them warms my heart and fulfills my soul.
Is there anything else you want to share that I haven't asked?
You have done a most excellent job of covering many areas, Kristen! Thank you for the interview, it was loads of fun!! It's always so great to get to know other bloggers and see a bit of who they are behind their book thoughts.
I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of my blogging friends, the great book blogging community and everyone who helps make it possible to get into the whole reviewing for authors and publishers possible. There are some truly truly amazing people out there and I am blessed to know many of them! Also, anyone who Twitters, I can be found at http://twitter.com/cafeofdreams
Hope everyone is enjoying BBAW! Thanks to Amy and everyone for putting it together!
And thanks to April for letting us get a glimpse of the woman behind the blog and not taking one look at some of the offbeat questions and asking for a new interview partner!
lol, great questions, Kristen! I had tons of fun answering them!
ReplyDeleteKristen and April -
ReplyDeleteExcellent interview! Love the questions and responses.
Great interview! I loved the Berenstein Bears, too. I really enjoyed reading them to my daughter, and I'm actually sad that she's grown out of them.
Diary of an Eccentric
Great idea! I didn't really come up with original questions either - I'm crap with questions.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I could actually fake reading a book. How could one possibly have a conversation about it and not give away the fact that they are completely clueless. LOL
ReplyDeleteI imagine there would be a lot of "yea I totally agree with that". :)
I'm enjoying catching up on the interviews. :-) Thank you for the opportunity to get to know April better. I really need to read The Time Traveler's Wife. One of these days. And then I can watch the movie. ;-)