Cathy of Kittling: Books runs a fun feature on Wednesdays where she showcases the blogging spaces of fellow bloggers. She asked me to send her pictures and answer questions some time ago. So I bit the bullet and took pictures of what was then a completely messy and disastrous desk. I had never organized myself after the move. My desk is in the basement and who ever goes down there (besides any overnight guests we have given that our guest bedroom is down there but hey, most people don't actually sleep at my house, right?) I had fully intended to post updated photos since the desk is now in its semi-permanent state, which is far tidier than it was when I took the pictures; it's still a little chaotic compared to others who have shared their spaces at Cathy's. Given the sad fate of my camera, I had to con Miss R. into letting me borrow her camera and figure out how to download off of her camera. Check out my disaster area showcased in all its glory at Cathy's and then come back here later on today and see what my desk really looks like when I haven't been neglecting it in favor of all the more public spaces in my house.
Just commented over at Cathy's blog, but I must say that my desk looks like a tornado hit it. Yours is neat compared to mine.
Diary of an Eccentric