I love the premise of this novel: that President Mitterand's hat, inadvertently left behind in a restaurant, goes from person to person and brings the wearer success.

A family which runs a suicide shop is stymied when one of its members develops a love for life, this sounds strange and funny and completely different.

The second in the Jana Bibi series, I adored the first book and can't wait to get back to the delightful escapades of an eccentric English woman living in an Indian hill town.

A woman who followed a man and her dream of being an artist to Mexico only to end up divorced and selling watercolors on the beach goes home again to care for her mother. While there, she examines her life and choices as she faces her future. Doesn't this sound good?

Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Miller, and the Kennedys. What's not intriguing about this fictional set of diaries?!
If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Dolce Bellezza as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.
I want to read the Jana Bibi series! Enjoy the books!
ReplyDeleteThe President's Hat sounds fun!
ReplyDeleteThese are all new to me, but I think The Wishing Hill is the one I'd most want to read.
ReplyDeleteI think I just found new books to add to my list! Enjoy your goodies!
ReplyDeleteThey all look very good. I love the cover of The Suicide Shop.
Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday