Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Mailbox

This past week's mailbox arrivals:

One Doctor by Brendan Reilly came from Atria.

Health care is on everyone's minds and lips these days so this memoir of a doctor dealing with his own daily patients, his elderly parents' illnesses, and the medical case from long ago that still haunts him promises to be a challenging and insightful look at modern medicine and the state of hospitals in this country.

House of Miracles by Ulrica Hume came from the author.

Interconnected stories about love at the end of the twentieth-century, this looks like the best kind of short story collection.

With All My Love by Patricia Scanlan came from Atria.

A novel about mother daughter relationships that reverberates through three generations in Ireland, this grabs me because I do so love family conflict novels.

Margot by Jillian Cantor came from Riverhead Books.

What if Anne Frank's older sister had lived, emigrated to the US, and lived an unassuming life far from the past? This novel imagines just that and what happens when her true identity is discovered. Enticing, no?!

Among the Janeites by Deborah Yaffe came from Shelf Awareness.

An examination of Jane Austen's fans? Oh my! Be still my beating heart.

Paperboy by Tony Macaulay came from Harper.

A coming of age memoir centered on a paperboy delivering the news in Belfast during the midst of the Troubles, this should be a wonderful read.

Fin and Lady by Cathleen Schine was a contest win from FSG.

Sibling novels always appeal to me so this one where an eleven year old boy and his seventeen year old half sister are orphaned and must adjust to each other and learn to be a family sounds great.

If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit The Reading Fever as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. House of Miracles looks good.

    Nice Mailbox.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  2. I bought Paperboy when I was in Belfast two years ago but haven't read it yet. I'm hoping that I'll get to it now that it's being published here.

  3. great books! I received One Doctor on Friday and sat down with it immediately - it is excellent. Part Doctor memoir, part scenes from ER and part health care policy - I am really enjoying it.

  4. I've been really curious about Margot. It just seems like such an intriguing idea.

  5. I think I'll want to read Margot so I'll watch for your review. Have a good week!


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