A novel about two women, each suffering in her own way, who come together to maybe, just maybe, save each other. This looks like a lovely read.

Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale was magnificent so I'm willing to go outside of my comfort zone to read this ghost story whose catalyst is the senseless killing of a rook by a boy.

I can't get enough of Shakespeare inspired stories so this retelling of Romeo and Juliet told from Juliet's nurse's perspective should be completely satisfying.

Did you know that Benedict Arnold's young and beautiful American wife was more than a little involved in his treachery? This novel about the love triangle (Peggy Shippen Arnold, John Andre, and Benedict Arnold) that betrayed our country looks really good.

A medical mystery about ethics and life, this novel about a doctor making the decisions for a comatose Jane Doe in the absence of any family sounds riveting.

With humor and grace, Weiner always tackles topics that impact women and this novel about a woman facing a prescription painkiller addiction is no different. Can't wait to see how she puts this together.

Love is always a topic ripe to write about and this novel about an artist who must find a way back to loving his wife after having an affair and the wife who may not want him back should be great.

Doerr's About Grace was a beautiful novel and I have every expectation that this one about a blind French girl and a German boy during World War II will be wonderful too.

Sometimes when oddities abound, great stories follow as I hope will be the case for this novel about the mermaid from a Coney Island freak show and the photographer who photographs the devastation of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.

Normally I would shy away from a novel about an abducted teenager kept in captivity by a madman but I so unexpectedly loved Emma Donoghue's Room that I am curious to take on another similar sounding tale.

Perfume, poison, and the elixir of immortality, thrilling sounding, no?

Spanning almost 30 years, this novel of Iran and the tragedies and horrors of its past and how they impact its people and its future looks stunning.

With a cover like this how could you not want to open this book? A triple stranded story about romance, WWII, restoring a garden, and mystery just ups the can't wait factor!

I've already reviewed this charming novelhere.

I thought I knew all about Oak Ridge and the bomb but this fascinating looking nonfiction about the young women who were instrumental in building it and keeping the town of Oak Ridge going promises to fill in any knowledge gaps I've got.

I've already read this one but what's not appealing about finding out what life was like for the sickly Mrs. Poe?
If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.
I enjoyed Gemini; love the rest of your mailbox.
Book Dilettante
Wow, fabulous mailbox! I have the Courtney Maum book on my wish list. Hoping it will be in audio. Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteWOW, you got some great stuff! I'm seeing so many positive reviews of All the Light We Cannot See, so I hope you love it. I also really want to read Girls of Atomic City.
ReplyDeleteWow, Wow, Wow...what an awesome mailbox.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested in what you think about Bellman and Black. It is totally different from her book, The Thirteenth Tale.
I have The Traitor's Wife...love the cover. I finally picked up Mrs. Poe.
ENJOY all your books and your reading week.
Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday
Girls of Atomic City is great. Wow, I hope you tipped your mailman this week!