Time travel, enduring love, and malevolent forces all wrapped into one big fat book? Oh, yes please!

About a young woman convicted of first degree murder who never spoke in her own defense at her trial and the mother of the woman she killed who, ten years after the verdict and six months before the execution, offers to help Noa's sentence be turned from the death penalty to life in prison if Noa will just tell her what led to her daughter's murder, this should be intense and thought provoking.

Interconnected stories that tell the ways in which people are not alone, even in their toughest moments, this sounds absolutely fabulous.

A sibling tale about a woman who wants to help her brother lose weight so that he doesn't kill himself with food and in the process risks her settled marriage and family, I'm curious to see Shriver's take on out of control obesity.

A novel encompassing the span of an ordinary woman's life from the always masterful McDermott, I can't wait to crack this one open.

A southern road trip novel with a runaway little girl in search of her mama, a black woman, and a white baby, this promises to be a moving look at dreams and reality.

Walls' memoir did so well it will be very interesting indeed to see what she does with a novel about two young girls forced to confront the realities of life when their mother abandons them to the injustices of a larger world.

Who wouldn't be interested in an imagined tale about the unnamed woman who was Noah's wife?
If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit 4 The Love Of Books as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.
Hi Kristen,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great selection of books, you are so lucky!
There are such a diverse range of genres and I couldn't find a single one of them which I didn't find intriguing enough to want to read.
If I was forced just to choose one (or maybe two?) from your selection, they would have to be the Elizabeth Silver and Jeanette Walls, both such strong and emotionally challenging storylines.
Enjoy them all and have a great week.
These are all new to me, but there's a lot of your list I think I'd really enjoy. I was going to list my favorite, but have to go with two because I can't narrow it down more than that. But I'd love to read either Whistling Past the Graveyard or Sinners and the Sea.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to see that Alice McDermott has a new book out/coming out - will have to put it on my list!
ReplyDeleteI got The River of No Return this week too! And Whistling Past the Graveyard sounds great; I love its cover! Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteWhistling Past The Graveyard looks very good.
ReplyDeleteENJOY all your books.
Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday
Alice McDermott is an auto-buy for me. I'm so excited to see she has a new book!!