Looking back on her life thus far, Lisa pinpoints one decision that forever changed the path her life took and she wonders what would have happened had she chosen differently. In the original 1982, she is a young woman working as a waitress and trying to break into the music business. Her boyfriend is a famous Latin musician and when she accidentally gets pregnant, he convinces her to have an abortion and her life proceeds on from there. But what if she'd kept the baby? What then? Just how would her life be different? Lisa addresses the tale of her imagined life to her almost daughter Minnow, telling her about their life together, the ways in which things would have changed and the surprising ways in which some things would have remained the same or achieved the same outcome. In creating the past for a life she chose not to live, Lisa sometimes gives a nod to the original 1982 and the way that her life did in fact unfold over the years.
The novel alternates between these appreciably different lives but focuses much more on Lisa's freshly imagined life than the original. While Lisa's life as it actually happened holds no surprises for her as she narrates, her imagined life is awash in the possibilities towards which having Minnow would have steered her. And yet this fully realized ode to herself and to the memory of her baby never born, life is not easy or always happy. She struggles and falls, sacrifices and compromises in this imagined existence too. And this makes the imagining that much more poignant, haunting, and truly more realistic. No life was ever going to be perfect. Carson has captured the ache, the longing, and the regret for the road not taken beautifully and imaginatively here. Lisa is certainly telling her invented story "with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence" with all the melancholy, quiet emotion which that phrase captures. Readers in search of an unusual read, one that resonates with the power of storytelling and the invention of a life will find it here in this short grace-filled novel of what might have been.