

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Typically British Reading Challenge

Does it come as a surprise to anyone who reads this blog that I am a bit of an Anglophile? When funds permit, I have been known to order books from England just to satisfy my craving. So Book Chick City's Typically British Reading Challenge is totally and completely up my alley. Plus, how can you not want to have that darling button on your blog?

Challenge guidelines:

Timeline: 1st Jan 2010~ 31st Dec 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge.


1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.

2. There are four levels:

• "Put The Kettle On" – Read 2 Typically British novels.
• "Gordon Bennett" – Read 4 Typically British novels.
• "Bob's Your Uncle" – Read 6 Typically British novels.
• "Cream Crackered" – Read 8 Typically British novels.

3. Any book format counts. Must be fiction not non-fiction.

4. You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront then you can change them, nothing is set in stone!

5. The books you choose can crossover into other challenges.

6. If you decide to participate in this challenge please use the link I have set up below with the button to post on your sidebar, this way others can find their way back to this post and join in the fun.

7. If you decide to join this challenge be sure to create a post telling others, please make sure you add a link back to this post so others can join in.

8. There will be a place for you to link your reviews, but this is optional.

9. Obviously only British authors count!

I'm going for cream-crackered with 8 books:

1. Millie’s Fling by Jill Mansell
2. The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
3. Before Lunch by Angela Thirkell
4. News From Thrush Green by Miss Read
5. Good Evening Mrs. Craven by Mollie Panter-Downes
6. The Sex Life of My Aunt by Mavis Cheek
7. Solar by Ian McEwan
8. Miss Hargreaves by Frank Baker

Maybe if I read them all my husband will actually send me to England. Then again, he does know how heavy books can make suitcases so he might not be willing given the exchange rate and the extra baggage fees these days.


  1. Great list - especially Miss Hargreaves, of course!

    I've never read any Miss Read, but will do so at some point... I have three on my shelves.

    Don't think there's much point in me joining in this, as about 90% of what I read (probably) is British!

  2. i am afraid that although this looks like a fun challenge - I am in the same boat as Simon. I have never read the Sex Life of my Aunt but love the title! There are some great books in this list....

    Thanks for sharing



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