

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Books Won Reading Challenge

I haven't won any books this year in any of the contests I've entered. Actually, I have a habit of winning things only if it looks like a set-up or I own everything already on offer. For instance, many years ago now, I was in charge of a reading event at the kids' elementary school. For the event there was a gigantic basket full of books to be raffled off. As I was the chair, I am the one who bought all the books for the basket. Knowing my kids would be disappointed when we didn't win, I filled it with new copies of books we as a family already owned and loved. So imagine my surprise when the school principal put her hand in the ticket bucket and came up with our family's ticket. Yup. We won. And we already owned every last book in the basket! Turned out it was a winning situation for the school since I turned around and handed the basket to the librarian as a donation from us. But that tends to be my kind of luck. So it's always surprising to me when I do win something on the internet. Like I said, I haven't won anything this year but I did win a fair few books last year. Have I read any of them yet? Nope. And that's where Teddy Rose's brilliant Books Won Reading Challenge comes in.

Her's her explanation and the rules:

This is a new challenge I have come up with to read and review some of the books I have won from other bloggers. The reason publishing companies supply books for book bloggers to give away is to get word out about the books and create buzz. I feel bad that I haven't read many of the book I have won and want to make an effort to read them in 2010.

If you would like to join me, here are the levels:

Honorable Mention: Read 1-3 book you won.

Bronze: Read 4-6 books you won.

Silver: Read 7-9 Books you won.

Gold: Read 10 or more books you won.

The Rules:

1. You must write a review for each book that you read for it to count. If you do not have a blog you can write your reviews on a place like Amazon, Powell's, Chapters, etc.

2. Crossovers with other challenges are okay.

3. Audiobooks count, as long as you won them. As do won e-books.

4. You can change up levels but cannot go back down a level.

5. Make a list of the books won that you plan to read for the challenge. You can always make changes to the list.

So under-achiever that I am, I am shooting for 1-3 books and hoping to actually get through all 14 (but sloth that I am, I am still only shooting for the 1-3 version).

Here are my potential reads for this one:

1. Love and Other Natural Disasters by Holly Shumas
2. The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga
3. Men With Balls by Drew Magary
4. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson
5. Secrets to Happiness by Sarah Dunn
6. Literary Lust by Stella Hyde
7. A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman
8. House and Home by Kathleen McCleary
9. Crossing Washington Square by Joanne Rendell
10. Best Intentions by Emily Listfield
11. The Other Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview
12. Evenings at the Argentine Club by Julia Amante
13. Sex, Drugs and Gefilte Fish edited by Shana Liebman
14. I Used to Know That by Caroline Taggart

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