

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

THIB 20 Minute Book Club Challenge

Nicole of Linus's Blanket hosts the web show That's How I Blog! where she interviews other bloggers and the last 20 minutes of the show, she and the interviewee discuss a book they've both read. The shows are interesting and fun to listen to and the end piece is made all that much better if you've read the book under discussion. And that's where this challenge comes in.

There are several different levels of participation in the That's How I Blog! Twenty Minute Book Club Challenge as most people probably don't want to commit to reading all 52 books that Nicole will be discussing with her guests over the entire year. The challenge runs from Dec. 29, 2009 until Dec. 29, 2010. Reading lists for the eligible books and the reading commitment levels can be found at Linus's Blanket.

I'm planning on joining at the lowest level possible since a quick scan of the 2010 books shows that there are only two on my tbr shelves (quite a few more I read last year but that counts for nothing) so I only have to find two more that intrigue me by the end of the year. Hopefully that will be more than do-able. The two I'm planning to read so far?

1. An Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri
2. Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
3. TBD
4. TBD


  1. Thanks for joining us! You have good picks there! I hope you find two more as time goes by.

  2. I have The Story of A Marriage, by Andrew Sean Greer (on 2009 list) if you want to borrow?


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