

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Mailbox

Another week of being very good and having a rather forlorn mailbox for me. I sure hope Santa is taking note of how very, very good I am being because it is very, very hard! In any case, I really didn't think I was going to be getting anything in the mailbox this week when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a small box o' books (no tiny reindeer). Hooray! I think I started to sway and sing right on the spot, just like little Cindy Lou Who. I'd thought my un-birthday month was long over but this package was out there waiting to come at the perfect time! This past week's mailbox arrival:

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen came from Maudeen for my unbirthday.
Yet another great and intriguing title, right? And this quirky memoir looks to be totally entertaining.

Up For Renewal by Cathy Alter also came from Maudeen for my unbirthday.
I like these stunt memoirs a lot. I'd not be very likely to try any of the year long experiments in living to which current authors devote a year of their lives but I do love to read about others doing it. I am the ultimate voyeur. ;-)

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Marcia at The Printed Page and enjoy seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. I'm adding Mennonite in a Little Black Dress to my tbr list.
    Have a great week!

  2. These look really terrific. I haven't seen the Up for Renewal One Before -- depending on what magazines the author reads (Cosmo or Nat'l Geographic) the results should be interesting.

  3. Both books look really good!

  4. Maudeen was very good to you! I love that type of memoir too. Enjoy!

  5. I haven't read any of these. But they look good. Happy reading.

  6. Both memoirs look good. I like reading these types of books too. Enjoy them both!

  7. I've been really tempted to pick up Menonnite in a Little Black Dress. It sounds interesting. Happy reading!

  8. Both book titles made me say hmmmmm.

  9. OOh -- just finished the Mennonite -- quite a few laugh out loud parts coupled with some very odd slightly disturbing parts. All in all a fun fast read


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