

Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday Mailbox

Like it has been the past couple of weeks, my mailbox has worked less hard than usual but I am making my way slowly through the backlog of review books here so my plan to ease up on acquisitions (at least through the mail--see my Sunday Salon post for my latest bookstore-fail) seems to be working. I did still get a few books in the mail though. Wouldn't want to try and go completely cold turkey!

A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman was a contest win from Jenn at Jenn's Bookshelves.
I love books about other cultures and especially women in other cultures. Sri Lanka is a place that I don't really know much about but which seems exotic and is fascinating to me.

The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett came to me from Lydia at Riverhead Books.
Since I have my own bookish addiction, I can never pass up a good book about books or someone who loves books. And furthermore, I want to own the shelves on the cover myself!

Between Me and the River by Carrie Host came from publicist Lisa at Online Publicist.
This looks like a hard but ultimately rewarding read. Cancer has touched many people I know and their stories are compelling and important not only to make sure we all keep striving for a cure but also so that we can better understand the human, emotional toll this terrible disease takes. I suspect I should have Kleenex handy when I read this one.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Marcia at The Printed Page and enjoy seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. You had a great week - all three of those books look wonderful to me.

  2. The Man Who Loved Books Too Much sounds great-- at least the title anyway. Enjoy your books!

    Here is my list if you want to check it out.

  3. Wow, looks like you got some great books! I have Disobedient girl for review...and those other two look great.

    Happy reading.

  4. Your books look great! I love the premise of the Man Who Loved Books Too Much - is it possible to love them too much?? :)

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  5. A Disobedient Girl sounds especially good! Enjoy your new books. My mailbox post is here.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  6. Good books! Several I want to read myself. :)


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