

Monday, August 31, 2009

Mailbox Monday

It was another slowish week in my mailbox but I'm not complaining. I am still up to my eyeballs in books I need to read for one thing or another that not adding to the stacks appreciably is a help! Terrible to have to say that, but true nevertheless.

In any case, this week I found a copy of Now and Then by Jacqueline Sheehan from Avon in my mailbox. Could you just eat up the lovely dog on the cover?! I could also call this one time travel with a dog or how publishers have finally found a way to nudge me into reading speculative fiction (even if this one seems to be speculative fiction lite).

Then I opened a package with a copy of Ruined by Paula Morris in it. Interestingly, it's another one that is outside my usual reading fare, being a ghost story. But somehow ghosts and New Orleans seem right while ghosts anywhere else scare the snot out of me. And if you like ghosts or just think the cover is gorgeous like I do, be sure to check back here on Sept. 7th for a giveaway of this one.

Finally, I found an amazon box on the step and it had several goodies in it. One was a book for a friend's birthday. On the off chance she's reading this I won't mention it aside from saying I already own it myself, which should help her narrow it down given my library of 8,000+ books. Bwahahaha! Next was a book for my kids that I will probably read too. I found it on someone's blog but I can't for the life of me remember whose or I'd credit them with spending my money! The book is Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go by Dale E. Basye and it looks totally cute. Actually, I often wonder if there's an otherworldly reform school to which I can send my crew, especially when they act like demon spawn. Ba-dump-bump. (I'll be performing right here all week just for your reading pleasure.)

Lastly, Bloomsbury kindly sent me a copy of The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel by Maureen Lindley. An historical fiction based on a real life Chinese princess who spied for the Japanese during World War II, could this be more appealing? The early reviews aren't terribly promising but since I am so very frequently a contrariwise little puss, I still have high hopes for this one.

As always, if you want to see what others have received in their mailboxes over the past week, make sure to visit Marcia at The Printed Page where she hosts this weekly meme.


  1. I do like the sound of the Lindley book. I hope you will prove those early reviews wrong

  2. Heck (the book, not the place) looks like so much fun! Yes, I want the dog on the cover of Now and Then! Happy reading.

  3. Ruined in on my to be obtained list. I love a good ghost story and New Orleans has always interested me so I can imagine this book is right up my alley.

  4. I just love books with dogs on the cover! I see we have a book in common and Ruined is also on my wish list!

    Happy reading.

  5. I missed out on the Easter Jewel, they always run out before I respond.
    Ruined looks good in a creepy way, perfect for the RIP IV challenge that just started that I wish I could join.

  6. Whew! A lot of books in your mailbox this week! Happy reading!

  7. The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel sounds really interesting!
    Mailbox Monday

  8. I was tempted to read this for the Compass points challenge so will be really interested to see what you think of it.

    Thank you so much for hosting the Compass challenge - a great idea and harder than I thought. I have finished just in time but read four wonderful books 0:)

  9. okay, so I'm jealous about Now and Then and Ruined. I do have Eastern Jewel ....enjoy Kristen!

  10. I have Heck on reserve at the library. I added Now & Then to my library request list but they don't have Ruined {pout} so I added it to my wish list :-)

  11. I do love that doggie cover! I'm jealous about The Private Papers. That sounds like a good one. My mailbox is here.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  12. Love the book with the dog on it! Sounds like you received some good books. Enjoy them!

  13. Hey there! I tagged you for a fun meme:

  14. "Heck" looks like a fun book, came across it last month on Alexia's blog.

  15. Your mailbox arrivals look wonderful! I am very interested in the first two books. Ah yes, who could resist the super cute dog on the cover?!

  16. Great mailbox, Kristen! I would love to read The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel. It was on my Friday Finds a couple of weeks ago.

    I haven't seen Ruined before and it sounds good. Ghost stories are not really my thing either but sometimes I can get into them.


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