

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Salon: Avoiding reading, awards, and a giveaway

Have you ever had a book that you felt obligated to finish and it seemed to suck the life right out of you each and every time you sat down to read it? I have had that all day today (and for several days prior to this too) and it's not a happy feeling. Usually reading is my escape but I looked for every reason to put this one down. I carry books with me everywhere I go so this accompanied me many places. The latest were to yesterday's dance competition and today's tennis match. Yesterday I actually chose to stay planted in the dark auditorium and watch some less than stellar dancing (I may be a dance mom but I am not delusional about the level of dance to which I must subject myself for my daughter's happiness) instead of reading this book. And today, I was pleased to see that the one chair by my son's tennis match (he lost) was broken and so I'd have to stand. That, plus the wind, made it fairly difficult to read so I didn't. And yes, I have been known to read through many a sporting event before, supportive mom that I am. But this was a review book and it needed to be finished so I can write it up. I would have finished it anyway because I am compulsive like that but I would have been likely to let it molder unfinished on the bedside table for an eon first if not for the sense of obligation attached to review books. So I finally sat down and gutted it out. And the book is finished and now I just have to work through a thoughtful and fair review in my head, which could take a bit! But I don't have to read it again and for that I am thrilled.

On a happier reading related note, I have had a good old time getting e-mails about my blog this week. I've gotten two awards (my very first ever). The first was the Best Friends Award from Joy at Llama Queen's Don't Do Homework.

The second was the Premier Dardos Award from Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews. I have to think who all to pass them to so I'll be posting about them again, I'm sure. I was also contacted to take a picture of my work space for Cathy's "Scene of the Blog" which you can find at Kittling Books. So sometime this week I'll be snapping a picture of the disaster that is my desk and writing up a brief bit of commentary (Wait! Brief? Me?) to accompany that and sending it along to her. Also this week, I volunteered to be interviewed about blogging by Hava of Nonfiction Lover. I have already filled that out for her but I don't know when it'll be my turn to be featured. I will, of course, post a direct link when it is up. (And no, it's not brief either unless she uses some mad editorial skills!)

And in even more fun book news, I am hosting my very first book giveaway here. There are a couple I can do but the first one I'm going to do is the next one I plan to read myself: I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti by Giulia Melucci. The lovely Anna at Hatchette Books is offering to send a copy of this book to five different readers of this blog. And if you are anything like me, the thought of getting books in the mail just makes you quiver with excitement so now you're wondering how to enter, right? Leaving me a comment on this post will earn you one entry. Linking back to this contest on your blog and sending me an e-mail so I can check it out will earn you a second entry. Following this blog will earn you a third entry. Sending me chocolate will earn you a fourth entry. Oh wait, nevermind that last one. The weather is getting warmer and the chocolate might melt. But in future, bribes could definitely work! I'll chose the lucky five folks on Wed. Apr. 8, the day the book is due to be released in hardcover (and coincidentally is also my mother's birthday). Make sure you leave me a way to contact you in case you win. Oh, and publisher's rules say No PO Boxes and Only Open to Residents of the US and Canada.


  1. Congrats on the awards! I never fail to check your blog -- tho' I have learned to not read and eat at the same time!

    Ooh pick me pick me! I LOVE getting books period, mail, stores, coffee shops whatever/wherever ...

  2. Congratulations on your awards - well deserved!

    Re: Reading books you hate...I used to finish I don't. I hate to spend time with a book which is not thrilling me. What was the title of the book you were reading (I am just curious!)

  3. I'd love a chance to win that book.

    These days I hardly ever feel obligated to read books I don't like (unless textbooks count). I used to, though, and I don't know what changed.

  4. I'm so impressed with the awards - congratulations! I can't wait to see the picture of your work space. I'm curious to see what book it was that you had such a hard time getting through and how you write the review. I love your blog!

  5. You should change your banner to say "award winning blog!" I should start a blog to up my chances of winning, although the chocolate plan seems more workable.

  6. Congrats on the awards! Would love to enter the contest!

    Amber & Cheryl

  7. This sounds like a fun book! I am a new follower.

  8. I always enjoy your posts, and can't resist free books, so here I am, shamelessly posting to enter your contest! By 'following', do you mean using the Google mechanism? Because I have you in my Newsfox, but I don't really do the google follows... but, you know, I could start. :-)

  9. Thanks to everyone for entering so far. Just so you know, this book was *not* the book I had such a tough time finishing. Elvi, since I know you and know you're an honest soul, I consider the Newsfox thing to be following. :-)

  10. Congratz on all of the awards. I'd like to enter the contest. Oh, and I started following you today.

  11. I hate to start reading a book and it becomes so boring and makes it difficult to finish.

    Please enter me in your book give away. Thanks.

  12. Please count me in for the contest. I'm a new visitor to your blog, but I just signed up to be a follower, it looks so great.



I have had to disable the anonymous comment option to cut down on the spam and I apologize to those of you for whom this makes commenting a chore. I hope you'll still opt to leave me your thoughts. I love to hear what you think, especially so I know I'm not just whistling into the wind here at my computer.