

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Salon: On Being Busy

I have always found spring to be the busiest time. When my kids were smaller, it felt like the hamster on the wheel was in a full on sprint once spring arrived. Now that they are older and I don't have to add in as many of their activities and such, my spring doesn't seem to have gotten much (any?) more relaxed.  I still have more things to do than time to do them in.  Some things can't be ignored, like the youngest's last track practice (this past week) or moving the older two out of college (next week). Some things feel like they are necessary (weeding, pruning, planting flowers and herbs, the annual garage clean-up) before it gets too hot. Some things (all of the surprisingly time consuming administrative stuff for my Great Group Reads panel) are on a tight timeline that cannot be adjusted. Don't forget the one-time time-suckers, like sitting at the DMV to get the youngest his driver's permit or taking the car into the body shop to repair the oops I did one day. And I haven't even mentioned trying to stay connected to friends (which for me, as an extreme introvert, can be a chore but one I know I need to do for my own mental health). All of these other things war with my desire to just bask in the sun with a book. Today though, today is not sunny.

So on this soggy, wet Sunday, I will take advantage of the fact that pretty much everything besides sitting on the couch and reading is out of the question. The world is washed clean and green and I can luxuriate in a lazy, book-filled day. Some spring days are still as out of control as a squirrel on drugs and others, like today, are just bliss. I'll take more bliss, please.


  1. I can relate to so much.. moving kids in and out of school and apartments, weeding, planting, DMV-ing. And I just moved here so I"m making myself get places to meet people. Which is hard! Bright sun here, enjoy your day!!

  2. More bliss...and reading. They both sound good to me. The sun is out here, but I'll be reading too and watching NASCAR with a neighbor.

  3. Wise. Yes, let's spend more time bliss-ing out.


  4. Lovely and green. Is this the view out your window?


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