

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Mailbox

Mostly goodies I sent myself but every girl deserves a treat now and then. This past week's mailbox arrival:

The Admissions by Meg Mitchell Moore came from Book Sparks PR for a blog tour.

Being smack in the middle of college applications for the second year in a row, this one appeals greatly to my sense of schadenfreude but I also really liked Moore's previous book so I am thrilled to get a crack at this one.

Dietland by Sarai Walker came from me because it's next for book club.

One of the Great Group Reads from the WNBA National Reading Group Month list, this one about body image, feminism, discrimination, and the beauty industry really appeals to me.

The Good Neighbor by Amy Sue Nathan came from me because I can.

A story about a woman who makes up a new boyfriend when her ex shows up with his girlfriend? This sounds like light, good fun indeed.

Mrs. Bennet Has Her Say by Jane Juska came from me because I can.

How could you not want to read about Mrs. Bennet's back history and how she and Mr. Bennet, those two so incompatible parents, ended up together? I can't wait!

If you want to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. I loved The Good Neighbor...and I've heard great things about The Admissions. Enjoy! Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  2. Looks like a good mailbox to me.

    The Good Neighbor is catching my eye.

    Have a great week of reading.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  3. I'm enjoying The Admissions right now.


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