

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Mailbox

This past week's mailbox arrivals:

Food Whore by Jessica Tom came from William Morrow and LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I am one--a food whore, that is, and in another life I'd love to work as a restaurant critic so I am completely attracted to this tale of a young woman who agrees to ghost write columns for a food critic who has lost his sense of taste.

Satisfaction by Andee Reilly came from Spark Press and Book Sparks for a blog tour.

About two women, one whose husband is cheating on her and one who abandoned her daughter, who come together on a Rolling Stones concert tour jag and offer each other something each has been missing: friendship. I am definitely intrigued by the rock tour road trip aspect of this one.

Anchored by Brigitte Quinn came from Curtis Brown Unlimited and Book Sparks for a blog tour.

I've already reviewed this one here.

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin came from a friend for a postal mail book club we are doing.

I've already reviewed this one here.

If you want to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. Food Whore does sound like an interesting one. I'll have to track it down sometime. Happy reading!

  2. ENJOY!!!

    Have a good week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday


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