

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Mailbox

I actually had the mailman and the UPS man arrive at my door simultaneously one day this past week. Given how many books arrived here this week, this should have come as no surprise. It was a pure delight though. :-) This past week's mailbox arrivals:

A Reunion of Ghosts by Judith Claire Mitchell came from Harper and TLC Book Tours for a blog tour.

Centered on three sisters who are plagued with bad luck and who decide that their personal ends will also come at the end of the 20th century, this sounds like a real treat.

Wide Open World by John Marshall came from LibraryThing Early Reviewers and Ballantine Books.

The experiences of a family who spent six months as voluntourists, I think the idea of doing this is fascinating.

I Regret Everything by Seth Greenland came from Europa Editions and TLC Book Tours for a blog tour.

The story of a thirty something lawyer who has a secret identity as a poet and his boss' nineteen year old daughter who discovers his secret, this is being called a modern love story. Color me intrigued.

Bettyville by George Hodgman was a contest win from Bookreporter.

A memoir of Hodgman's time taking care of the aging but strong, funny woman who was his mother, this sounds touching, wonderful, and like it will be ripe for humor.

The Snow Globe by Judith Kinghorn came from New American Library for a blog tour.

I completely love books set in the 1920s and this one set at Christmas time in an English country house with all the complications of family and staff looks delectable.

Splinters of Light by Rachael Herron came from New American Library for a blog tour.

A story about sisters, one of whom is a mother with a teenaged daughter and who has just been diagnosed with a terrible disease, this will likely be a heartbreaker.

If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. I adore the quality of Europa Editions and can't wait to try, I Regret Everything. Hope it was a good one. Have a great week Kristen

  2. I Regret Everything and Reunion of Ghosts sound interesting!

  3. Looking forward to your thoughts on A Reunion of Ghosts.

  4. Nice mailbox.

    Bettyville and The Snow Globe are catching my eye.

    Have a great reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  5. I like the idea of voluntourism! I would love to do that.


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