

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Mailbox

Completely spoiled with the bounty in my mailbox this week, I have been about as gleeful as it's possible to be, skipping out to the mailbox daily. This week's mailbox arrivals:

The Glass Kitchen by Linda Francis Lee came from Staci atSt. Martin's Press.

About woman who cooks through inspiration and a family in need of healing through her food, this sounds like it could add ten pounds to my already generous figure.

A Farm Dies Once a Year by Arlo Crawford came from Emily atHenry Holt.

A memoir about the rhythms of life on a farm, this look at one year reliant on the natural world sounds beautiful.

Where Somebody Waits by Margaret Kaufman came from Paul Dry Books.

I can't wait to see where this slim novel centered on an irrepressible, larger than life Southern woman who loves both her husband and her high school sweetheart takes me.

Palmerino by Melissa Pritchard came fromBellevue Literary Press.

I generally enjoy fictionalizations of authors and artists so I am looking forward to this tale about supernatural writer Violet Paget (pen name Vernon Lee) who inhabits the mind of her modern day biographer.

The Accidental Book Club by Jennifer Scott came from Diana atNAL Accent.

I have loved my many book clubs over the years so any book about book clubs generally piques my interest and this one about a group that came together by accident but formed a family definitely appeals to me.

The Sea House by Elisabeth Gifford came from St. Martin's Press.

I am a complete sucker for books with water or water related words like "sea" in the title so this one easily fits the bill. Add in that it is a double stranded narrative and both plot threads hint at selkies (mermaids) and I was sure to be attracted to it.

The Innocent Sleep by Karen Perry came from Staci atHenry Holt.

A couple leaves their sleeping child and then the unimaginable happens, an earthquake and the house he was sleeping in is destroyed. Although this is a horrific premise, I am drawn to the mystery of whether the boy's father really does see a glimpse of him on a far away street years later.

If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. The Innocent Sleep sounds really good! Happy Reading!

  2. Nice week in books. A Farm Dies Once a Year caught my eye!

  3. All the covers are gorgeous. ENJOY all your books.

    I am a cover person. :)

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  4. Speaking of book clubs, I really want to come down one day and visit your book network! I'm so jealous of all of your events!


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