

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Mailbox

The mailbox wasn't nearly as stuffed as I was this week! This week's mailbox arrival:

This Dark Road to Mercy by Wiley Cash came from William Morrow.

Wiley Cash writes gorgeous and dark novels and I am definitely looking forward to this one about two little girls stolen by their desperate, wanted father after their mother's death.

If you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Rose City Reader as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. I haven't read a book by Wiley, but everyone is raving about it. I do have this book, and I will be looking forward to reading it.

    THANKS for sharing, and ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    Another giveaway on my blog if you want stop by that post too.

  2. I hope you enjoy it! Have great week.

  3. This one looks good, doesn't it? Can't wait to start reading.

    Book Dilettante

  4. Waiting to read this one too, and think I will read the previous one first!

    Book Dilettante

  5. I really enjoyed Wiley Cash's first book, it reminded me a lot of To Kill a Mockingbird, so he's definitely an author I want to read more from.


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