

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Salon: Books: my native habitat

Although the piles may shift and change around me, this is the general view my family has of me most days and nights:

If I'm not at the kitchen table with the laptop behind my stacks, the other sure fire place to find me is curled on the couch looking like this:

And lest you think I have no face, I can also be found in bookstores looking like this:

This week, I was also found between the covers of books that took me into a family trying to adjust to three generations living under one roof after the unexpected death of their matriarch, into an old man's memories of the hill people and long neglected best friend who shaped him into the man he became, into snapshots of a dysfunctional family as they grew, into sibling dynamics as one tried to help the other overcome morbid obesity even at the possible cost of her own happiness and marriage, and into the story of a freed slave facing his own complicated history with the man who freed him. Where have you been in books this week?


  1. Wow, you have had some intriguing journeys through books this week. I've had some great ones, too, from the WWII era to current day England with social service issues.

    You can read more at my SUNDAY UPDATES/MAILBOX MONDAY

  2. Hi Kristen,

    We have been away on holiday this last week and whilst I went armed with Kindle and all good intentions of curling up in a quiet spot, overlooking the sea, to catch up on my reading, I have to come clean and admit that I never switched the thing on a single time!!

    We were with family and most days were full of activities and plans which it would have seemed very churlish of me to duck out of. We did get in some quality walks and sightseeing though and I even made some time to duck into one or two bookshops, although as I was being watched eagle-eyed by hubbie, I only managed to make one single sneaky purchase!!

    Back to normal this week!!


  3. Great photos and post. I took a break and I'm ready to read again!

  4. Cute post and photos.

    Love your stacks of books. :)

    Silver's Reviews

  5. Love the pictures. It is fun to see what other bloggers look like -- even with books in front of them!

  6. Great post! Have a great week!

  7. Kristen great photos and that is pretty much what our dining table looks like a lot of the time too...!

  8. Sounds like you read Big Brother! I just finished that one too.


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