

Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday Mailbox

Going out of town always worries me. What if books get delivered while I'm gone? They might think I don't want them if I don't take them into the house immediately. (Yes, I anthropomorphize my books. So what?) But after a nice Christmas with family, I'm home and reveling in the book that arrived in my absence, letting it know just how wanted it really is. :-) This past week's mailbox arrival:

All the Lonely People by Jess Riley came from the author. (This arrived with the cutest felted mitten ornament too.)

A novel about a woman who realizes after her mother's death that she doesn't like her siblings causing her to advertise for a new family for Christmas, this sounds like it will be fantastic, especially for those of us who have just spent two holidays with family. ;-)

The Hope Factory by Lavanya Sankaran came from The Dial Press.

I do so love novels set in India and this one about the realities of lives in Bangalore either as one on the verge of making it or as a have not looks like it will be a wonderful read.

All This Talk of Love by Christopher Castellani came from Algonquin.

An international "you can't go home again" novel, I can't wait to read about this Italian-American family and everything that gets stirred up when they have to travel back to their native Italy and face the family they left so long ago.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Suko's Notebook as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. I'm looking forward to reviews of All This Talk of Love.
    Happy New Year, Kristen!

  2. They all look good to me! I got The Hope Factory too and am looking forward to it. Happy New Year!

  3. These looks goo Kristen. I also received The Hope Factory.

    Happy new Year

  4. I've seen The Hope Factory on several blogs already. You made me smile when you said you worry about the books that are to arrive while you're out of town. Only another blogger could relate to that!

  5. These are all new to me and All This Talk of Love looks really good. Enjoy! Have a Happy New Year!
    2 Kids and Tired Books MM

  6. Enjoy your new books! Thanks for participating in MM this month. Have a wonderful new year! :)

  7. Enjoy your books...they look good.

    Happy New Year!!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  8. All of those book sound right up my alley - have fun reading them!

  9. I like the story in your first book and your others sound very good as well. Enjoy them all.

  10. I've been seeing The Hope Factory around a lot this week, and the more I hear about it, the more I want to read it!

  11. I love immigrant stories so All This Talk of Love sounds great!


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