

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday

This meme is hosted by Breaking the Spine and is meant to highlight some great pre-publication books we all can't wait to get our grubby little mitts on.

The Day My Brain Exploded by Ashok Rajamani. The book is being released by Algonquin on Jan. 22, 2013.

Amazon says this about the book: After a full-throttle brain bleed at the age of twenty-five, Ashok Rajamani, a first-generation Indian American, had to relearn everything: how to eat, how to walk and to speak, even things as basic as his sexual orientation. With humor and insight, he describes the events of that day (his brain exploded just before his brother’s wedding!), as well as the long, difficult recovery period. In the process, he introduces readers to his family—his principal support group, as well as a constant source of frustration and amazement. Irreverent, coruscating, angry, at times shocking, but always revelatory, his memoir takes the reader into unfamiliar territory, much like the experience Alice had when she fell down the rabbit hole. That he lived to tell the story is miraculous; that he tells it with such aplomb is simply remarkable.

More than a decade later he has finally reestablished a productive artistic life for himself, still dealing with the effects of his injury—life-long half-blindness and epilepsy— but forging ahead as a survivor dedicated to helping others who have suffered a similar catastrophe.


  1. That sounds fascinating! I haven't heard of it but I'll definitely be looking for it.

  2. Hi Kristen,

    I can see why you would be eagerly awaiting the publication of this book, although it isn't something that I would personally go out and buy, for the simple reason that I don't read memoirs at all.

    I did read through the synopsis however and I came across 'coruscating'another of those new to me words, that would fit well into a 'Wondrous Words Wednesday' post. In fact I may just use it, if that's okay with you?

    I hope that you get your hands on this book soon, it sounds like it is going to be a pretty emotional read.


  3. That does sound fascinating, covering a lot of contemporary issues through the experience of one traumatic event and the recovery.

    Joy's Book Blog

  4. This sounds like a very compelling story.

  5. Compelling and expertly detailed according to Publisher's weekly. Looks like it will be a big hit!

  6. Compelling and expertly detailed according to Publisher's weekly. Cant wait til this comes out!

  7. Did you all catch this? The OFFICIAL book video was uploaded on Just in time for cyber-Monday!


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