

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Mailbox

It's a good thing school starts for my kids soon since I keep getting such wonderful looking books landing in my mailbox! I need them to be gone all day so I can have some quality reading time to delve into these beauties. This past week's mailbox arrivals:

The Mirrored World by Debra Dean came from Harper and TLC Book Tours for a blog tour.
Another gorgeous book cover that can't help but pull you in, this newest novel by The Madonnas of Leningrad author about the mysterious saint Xenia of St. Petersburg looks like a fantastic read.

The Fine Color of Rust by P.A. O'Reilly came from Washington Square Press.
A single mom in a dusty, remote Australian town has to fight to save her children's school and then to save her town from outside exploitation. Love books that show moms finding reserves to do the right thing and make a difference (gives me hope for myself) and this one looks great.

The Good Woman by Jane Porter came from Berkley for a blog tour.
After years of being the person everyone else expects, a wife and mother faces the difficult decision about who she wants to be moving forward and whether or not she will risk everything and everyone she holds dear in the pursuit. That this is the first in a new trilogy about sisters just makes it that much more appealing.

A Different Kind of Normal by Cathy Lamb came from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
How do you risk letting children make their own choices and take their own risks? A mother who knows the fleeting nature of life must come to terms with just this in this great looking novel.

The Forgetting Tree by Tatjana Soli came from St. Martin's Press and TLC Book Tours for a blog tour.
Could you just crawl into this cover? Having loved The Lotus Eaters, I'm very excited to have my hands on this next novel of Soli's about a woman who weathers tragedy and disappointment even as she tries to hold onto the citrus ranch that she loves.

The Underwater Window by Dan Stephenson came from Untreed Reads Publishing and Caitlin Hamilton Marketing & Publicity. Cover copyright 2012 Ginny Glass and Untreed Reads Publishing.
As a former swimmer myself, I am really looking forward to this novel about two swimmers and best friends who are competing for the same gold medal. Plus, now that the Olympics is over, I can always use a kick of competition and adreneline in my life.

The Headmaster's Wager by Vincent Lam came from Hogarth and TLC Book Tours for a blog tour.
A novel about a headmaster whose loyalty to family and his lover are tested as the fighting in Vietnam draw ever closer to Saigon, this promises to have elements of so many things I enjoy reading about.

Hemingway's Girl by Erika Robuck came from New American Library.
What is it about Hemingway that has so captured my imagination? I do love reading fictionalized things about periods in certain writers' and artists' lives so this one about a tempting young woman who comes into Hemingway's orbit in Key West is sure to hold my attention.

Lost Antarctica by James McClintock came from Palgrave Macmillan.
Antarctica fascinates me and I am really looking forward to this non-fiction read about the hardy yet fragile flora and fauna of the seventh continent and the ways in which we are imperilling it.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit 5 Minutes for Books as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. Yes, I love the cover of The Forgetting Tree. Hope you love it. I also want to read the Jane Porter book. Have a great week!

  2. Wow, it'll be hard to know which book to read first! I hope you get that quiet time soon.

  3. What interesting titles! Have a great reading week...!!!

    Here is my post.

  4. These sound great, enjoy! your reading time.

  5. Great haul this week! Some great titles on your list, enjoy. Happy reading!


  6. Once you find some quiet time- enjoy delving into your new books. They all look good.

  7. Wow! I am interested in a lot of these books. I look forward to reading your reviews on them.

  8. I'll be reading The Forgetting Tree as well. I hope you enjoy each of your books!

  9. Wow...they ALL look so good.


    Silver's Reviews

  10. Wow...all of the books sounds great! I know what you mean - my kids just started back to school, and I'm looking forward to a little extra reading time. ;) Have a great week!

  11. These all sound like great reads! I am ready for fall too. I am looking forward to finding more time to curl up and read!

  12. I loved The Lotus Eaters, so I can't wait to see what you think of the new Tatjana Soli book. I'll keep an eye out for your review of The Mirrored World; I'm on that tour, too. Happy reading!


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