

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Mailbox

Just because I haven't managed to post the delectables that have arrived in my mailbox lately doesn't mean they haven't been drool-worthy. They totally have! So I am putting them all into this belated post so everyone can see what a lucky girl I am lately. This past couple of week's mailbox arrivals:

Diary of a Mad Fat Girl by Stephanie McAfee came from Jessica at Berkley/NAL.
This book about a single woman in a quirky, small Southern town sounds like a complete and total kick.

Cruising Attitudes by Heather Poole came from the publisher for a TLC Book Tours tour.
I personally don't like the public very much so I could never work a job like flight attendant but I do enjoy reading stories of the folks with the patience to do so, especially when they are dishing about the general public's (expected) poor behaviour.

Daughters by Elizabeth Buchan came from Catherine at Penguin.
As an adult daughter myself (and the mother of a teenaged daughter to boot), this exploration of mothers and daughters and how they relate to each other as adults sounds terribly intriguing.

Being Lara by Lola Jaye came from the publisher for a TLC Book Tours tour.
Figuring out identity as an adopted child, and one of a different race than her adoptive parents, is a major theme in this fantastic looking novel. Can't wait!

Calling Invisible Women by Jeanne Ray came from Jocelyn at Kelley and Hall.
Just look at the cool cover on this one! I love the small black dog whose leash makes the profile outline of the middle aged protagonist who wakes up one morning to discover that she is becoming invisible. Just whets the appetite, doesn't it?

Gossip by Beth Gutcheon came from Leyane at William Morrow.
You know the saying "If you have nothing nice to say, come sit by me?" I totally feel that way about this book about a trio of women in an uneasy friendship.

Arranged by Catherine McKenzie came from William Morrow.
An American woman with no cultural ties to arranged marriages enters into one. What a cool premise for a book!

Clair de Lune by Jetta Carleton came from the publisher for a TLC Book Tourstour.
Newly rediscovered novels always pique my interest and this one of a love triangle in the early 1940's where things go too far definitely caught my eye.

Blue Asylum by Kathy Hepinstall came from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
What would I do if my husband could have me declared insane just because I disagreed with him and how could I possibly escape the disagnosis and the asylum? Books like this always make me grateful to live in the time I live in but I do enjoy reading about earlier times when life could be completely untenable for women, dependent on men's kindness and honesty.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Diary of an Eccentric as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. Ooh! A lot of good books. I have some of these and know you will love them. Gossip is very interesting.

  2. What a nice mailbox. The Beth Gutcheon book should be fabulous. I love her writing.

    1. A nice mix, Blue Asylum sounds intriguing.

  3. Wow you have had hit the lottery in great reads! Enjoy!

  4. A lot of these look interesting. I can't wait to read Blue Asylum. Happy reading!

  5. Oh, so many good books! I liked Gossip and really liked Arranged. I'm going to look for Diary of a Mad Fat Girl and Daughters. Have a great week!

  6. These all look good, especially Blue Asylum! Happy reading!


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