

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Mailbox

Coming home from an extended vacation always means there will be delightful surprises waiting for me. And opening these packages beats putting away clothes and doing laundry by a longshot! This past several week's mailbox arrivals:

Angelina's Bachelors by Brian O'Reilly came from Gallery Books.
I've already reviewed this one here.

Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman came from Harper Perennial thanks to Trish at TLC Book Tours.
I've already reviewed this one here

The Winters in Bloom by Lisa Tucker came from Atria Books.
Like all of Tucker's book descriptions, this one of a much beloved husband and father disappearing from his backyard triggering his wife and son to examine the secrets they each hold and how those might hold the keys to his disappearance pulls me in easily.

How to Love an American Man by Kristine Gasbarre came from Harper thanks to Trish at TLC Book Tours.
A memoir about opening up and learning to love through the lessons of her newly widowed grandmother, I am very excited about this one.

The Grief of Others by Leah Hager Cohen came from Riverhead Books thanks to Trish at TLC Book Tours.
How the death of a newborn impacts a family and changes relationships, I fully expect to weep and ache reading this one.

Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness by Alexandra Fuller came from The Penguin Press thanks to Trish at TLC Book Tours.
Fuller's mother's story, this will be a wonderful addition to Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight and I am definitely looking forward to it.

Little Black Dress by Susan McBride came from Harper thanks to Trish at TLC Book Tours.
Looking so classic with a black dress and a strand of pearls on the cover, the hint of magic in a dress that offers two sisters a peek into the unavoidable future, this looks delicious.

When She Woke by Hillary Jordan came from Algonquin.
A dystopian sort of Scarlet Letter, this one promises to be incredibly different and completely disturbing.

The Taste of Salt by Martha Southgate came from Algonquin Paperbacks.
A family haunted by addiction, the successful daughter who thought she had escaped them, and an affinity with water make this very appealing to me.

Maman's Homesick Pie by Donia Bijan came from Algonquin.
A chef memoir with the added benefit of Persian recipes, this is just the kind of book I gravitate to every time.

Pretty by Jillian Lauren came from Plume.
A self-destructive woman who must battle her demons and find something to believe in to stay on the rails, this sounds like it will be incredibly intense.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Life in the Thumb as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read the Hilary Jordan book and Domestic Violets badly!


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