

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

This meme is hosted by Breaking the Spine and is meant to highlight some great pre-publication books we all can't wait to get our grubby little mitts on.

For me, I can't wait to read: The Gap Year by Sarah Bird. The book is being released by Knopf on July5, 2011.

Amazon says this about the book: From the widely praised author of The Yokota Officers Club and The Flamenco Academy, a novel as hilarious as it is heartbreaking about a single mom and her seventeen-year-old daughter learning how to let go in that precarious moment before college empties the nest.

In The Gap Year, told with perfect pitch from both points of view, we meet Cam Lightsey, lactation consultant extraordinaire, a divorcĂ©e still secretly carrying a torch for the ex who dumped her, a suburban misfit who’s given up her rebel dreams so her only child can get a good education.

We also learn the secrets of Aubrey Lightsey, tired of being the dutiful, grade-grubbing band geek, ready to explode from wanting her “real” life to begin, trying to figure out love with boys weaned on Internet porn.

When Aubrey meets Tyler Moldenhauer, football idol–sex god with a dangerous past, the fuse is lit. Late-bloomer Aubrey metastasizes into Cam’s worst silent, sullen teen nightmare, a girl with zero interest in college. Worse, on the sly Aubrey’s in touch with her father, who left when she was two to join a celebrity-ridden nutball cult.

As the novel unfolds—with humor, edge-of-your-seat suspense, and penetrating insights about love in the twenty-first century—the dreams of daughter, mother, and father chart an inevitable, but perhaps not fatal, collision . . .


  1. This sounds interesting. Looks like you don't have much longer to wait.

    Here is mine

  2. I'm right there with you! I really enjoyed HOW PERFECT IS THAT.

  3. This one looks really interesting. I'm usually quite picky about contemporaries, but the plot sounds sort of delightful, so I'll be looking out for it. Nice choice!

    If you’d like, you can check out my WoW here.

  4. That sounds very cool!

    Paranormal Wastelands' WoW

  5. This looks like a cute, easy read with some high points :) I'll have to check it out! Great post. I'm now following your blog too, it's great!!

    Here's my WoW post:

  6. Great pick!I liked this book very much.This book is so fantastic.I cann't wait to read it.Nice cover.Thanks Knoph for this book.
    waiting for kennedy


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