

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

This meme is hosted by Breaking the Spine and is meant to highlight some great pre-publication books we all can't wait to get our grubby little mitts on.

For me, I can't wait to read: Married to Bhutan by Linda Leaming. The book is being released by Hay House on April 1, 2011.

Amazon says this about the book: Tucked away in the eastern end of the Himalayas lies Bhutan—a tiny, landlocked country bordering China and India. Impossibly remote and nearly inaccessible, Bhutan is rich in natural beauty, exotic plants and animals, and crazy wisdom. It is a place where people are genuinely content with very few material possessions and the government embraces “Gross National Happiness” instead of Gross National Product.

In this funny, magical memoir, we accompany Linda Leaming on her travels through South Asia, sharing her experiences as she learns the language, customs, and religion; her surprising romance with a Buddhist artist; and her realizations about the unexpected path to happiness and accidental enlightenment.

As one of the few Americans to have lived in Bhutan, Leaming offers a rare glimpse into the quirky mountain kingdom so many have only dreamed of. For over ten years, Leaming has lived and worked in the town of Thimphu, where there are no traffic lights and fewer than 100,000 people. “If enlightenment is possible anywhere,” she writes, “I think it is particularly possible here.”

The Bhutanese way of life can seem daunting to most Westerners, whose lives are consumed with time, efficiency, and acquiring things. But Leaming shows us that we don’t necessarily have to travel around the world to appreciate a little Bhutan in our own lives, and that following our dreams is the way to be truly happy.


  1. Hi there. I am your newest follow and I think that book sounds great. I love novels that take place somewhere else and explore another culture and I especially like a culture that values happiness so much. I do too. I think if you're not happy, you should change something, because life is short and we should enjoy it as much as possible!

    Also, I am your newest follower and I'd appreciate it if you took the time to stop by my blog to follow me too!

    Thanks. I've been blogging for just over a month now so I'm still working hard on expanding my community and getting to know my fellow bloggers. :)

  2. Hi Kristen, So excited you'll read MARRIED TO BHUTAN! Hope you enjoy!


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