

Friday, February 25, 2011

Review: Table of Contents by Judy Gelman and Vicki Krupp Levy

I love to read. I love food. I love to cook. So what could be better for someone like me than a book combining all of the above? Table of Contents is a collection of interviews with and recipes from 50 authors, some very well known, others not as familiar, but all of whom have written books eminently well-suited to book clubs. The authors answer the questions most readers ask about their books, they talk about their inspiration, and they offer up recipes oftentimes inspired by their characters or settings. The interviews range from the in-depth to the more cursory. The recipes too range from long-time family favorites to new dishes created especially for a character.

Book clubs who enjoy trying to match their fare to their reads will find this a gem. My book clubs don't generally do this but my copy of the book is nevertheless bristling with flags marking recipes to try. A fun concept for a book, this one will feed the stomach as it also feeds the mind, hopefully leading readers to try not only new dishes but new authors as well.

Thanks to the authors for sending me a copy of the book to review.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of this. I think it would be a great one to add to my collection.


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