

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Mailbox

Almost every day I ventured out to the mailbox I found at least one book waiting for me. What a wonderful way to combat the cabin fever imposed by several snow days in a row. This past week's mailbox arrival:

Someone Else's Garden by Dipika Rai came from Harper Perennial thanks to Trish from TLC Book Tours.
Ever since visiting India, I have been fascinated by the literature of the country and this tale of a woman escaping a terrible husband and the tradition that would condemn her to endure him even if it kills her sounds wonderful.

Paris Was Ours edited by Penelope Rowlands came from Algonquin.
A collection of essays by writers sharing their Parisian experience and the marvelous things that make the city so special, this looks completely delectable.

Pictures of You by Caroline Leavitt came from Algonquin.
A car accident which leaves one woman dead and the other to pick up the pieces of her life and the life of the dead woman's husband and son. The intersections of love and grief exert a definite pull on my imagination.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky by Heidi Durrow came from Algonquin.
A complicated look at race and identity, I've already read and enjoyed this one which is just being released in paperback.

Radio Shangri-La by Lisa Napoli came from Harper Perennial thanks to Lisa from TLC Book Tours.
Bhutan is always called the happiest kingdom on the planet and ever since I read a book about it years ago, it has fascinated me so this memoir of a woman going there for six months to help set up a radio station sounds just up my alley.

Moonface by Angela Balcita came from Harper Perennial thanks to Trish from TLC Book Tours.
A woman who needs a kidney after her body rejects her brother's turns to her boyfriend and this is the tale of their journey together. It sounds amazing, doesn't it?!

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Rose City Reader as she is hosting this month's Mailbox Monday and have fun seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. That Paris book sounds intriguing.

  2. I love the cover for Someone Else's Garden. It definitely sounds like an interesting book.

  3. these books sound great! I especially like the sound of Someone Else's Garden and Radio Shangri-La - look forward to your reviews!

  4. Someone Elses Garden has a great cover. Picture of You is one that I bought recently. Enjoy them all.

  5. All of your books look wonderful. but I especially love Paris was Ours. Is there a place to sign up with Algonquin?

    Enjoy all your books!

  6. The Girl Who Fell From the Sky recently came on to my book buying/reading radar. I hope you enjoy all of the new reads!

  7. I've seen that Paris book several times today. It looks great.

    Thanks for participating in Mailbox Monday!

    Rose City Reader


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