

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

This meme is hosted by Breaking the Spine and is meant to highlight some great pre-publication books we all can't wait to get our grubby little mitts on.
For me, I can't wait to read: Letters From Home by Kristina McMorris. The book is being released by Kensington on February 22, 2011. An interview with the author gives us this information about the book:

Set against the emotionally charged backdrop of WWII, poetic university student Liz Stephens falls deeply in love through a yearlong letter exchange with infantryman Morgan McClain. Equally enamored, the Midwest soldier stationed in Europe relies solely on their correspondence to survive the gruesome realities of war. Yet between the scrawled lines of familial hardships and heartrending tragedies lies the one secret Liz must keep, or risk losing everyone she holds dear. As the nation nears victory, and its troops return home, each will learn the price of freedom while uncovering the deceptions of love and war.

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to reviews of this book. Sounds so good!


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