

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Shout-Out

On my travels through the blogging world, I find many books that pique my interest. I always add them to my wish list immediately but I tend to forget who deserves the blame credit for inspiring me to add them to my list (and to whom my husband would like to send the bill when I get around to actually buying them). So each Saturday I'm going to try and keep better track, link to my fellow book ferreter-outers (I know, not a word but useful nonetheless), and hopefully add to some of your wish lists too.

Stay by Allie Larkin was mentioned on Caribousmom.

Promises to Keep by Jane Green was mentioned on Caribousmom.

Spoon Fed by Kim Severson was mentioned on Breaking the Spine.

Cakewalk by Kate Moses was mentioned on Breaking the Spine.

The Lady and the Poet by Maeve Haran was mentioned on Constance Reader's Guide to Throwing Books With Great Force.

A Beginner's Guide to Acting English by Shappi Khorsandi was mentioned on Lost in Books.

Brother of the More Famous Jack by Barbara Trapido was mentioned on Stuck in a Book.

Simply From Scratch by Alicia Bessette was mentioned on Crazy for Books.

The Blind Contessa's New Machine by Carey Wallace was mentioned on The Crowded Leaf.

Russian Winter by Daphne Kalotay was mentioned on The Book Case.

What goodies have you added to your wish lists recently? Make your own list and leave a comment here so we can all see who has been a terrible influence inspiring you lately.


  1. glad to see I added two to your list, Kristen :)

  2. A Beginner's Guide To Acting English looks interesting - I have added it to my TBR!

  3. There are so many great titles here. I am most interested in the food related releases: Spoon Fed, Cakewalk, and Simply from Scratch.

    I have even added a new book blog to my reader.

    Very informative post --- thank you!

  4. Nice selection of books. The Jane Green one looks good. I like her writing.

  5. Hope you enjoy the Trapido if you end up reading it! I'm going to see her talk on Tuesday... should be fun.

  6. Wow! Nice wishlist.. Now I have to be careful not to add all to mine, it's expanding so fast that it really isn't realistic I'll ever read them all.. Have a nice day!

  7. Oh, my, Kristen. Just what I needed...more books for the wish list. I love this weekly feature--great book suggestions and fascinating new blogs to visit. Thank you!

  8. I'd love to read The Lady and the Poet! Great list


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