

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What An Animal III Challenge

I love animal books. I even love animal books about animals I don't love. So how could I not sign-up for the What An Animal III Challenge? I have more than enough animal books on my shelves to sustain me through years and years of this challenge and I suspect I will just continue adding to the stash as time goes on.

Here are the rules:

1. Read at least 6 books that have any of the following requirements:

a. there is an animal in the title of the book

b. there is an animal on the cover of the book

c. an animal plays a major role in the book

d. a main character is (or turns into) an animal (define that however you'd like).

2. The animal can be any type of animal (real or fictitious)--dog, cat, monkey, wolf, snake, insect, hedgehog, aardvark...dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, get the idea...

3. Challenge runs from March 1, 2010 to February 28, 2011. That’s a full year to read at least 6 books (you can read more if you’d like). You can still sign up after March 1st as long as you can get 6 books read by February 28, 2011 ;o).

4. Books can be fiction or nonfiction.

5. You may make a list of books at the beginning of the challenge or you can just list them as you find them.

6. Book titles may be swapped out at anytime (assuming you made a list to begin with).

7. Crossovers with other challenges are permitted and encouraged.

8. You don't have to have a blog or write a review, but you can if you want to.

And here's my initial list:

1. Waiting for My Cats to Die by Stacy Horn
2. I and Claudius by Claire de Vries
3. What the Dogs Have Taught Me by Merrill Markoe
4. The Dogs of Bedlam Farm by Jon Katz
5. The Lost Dog by Michelle de Kretser
6. Encounters With Animals by Gerald Durrell
extra: It’s All Greek to Me by John Mole


  1. I have "Waiting For My Cats to Die" too! I haven't read it's on my tbr shelf with about 200 other books......

  2. Waiting for my Cats to Die is cute. Do you need me to give you any pet/dog books? Please? Pretty please?

  3. Welcome to the challenge! Have fun!


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