

Thursday, March 4, 2010

ThemeQuest Reading Challenge

Choose a theme and read about it for the year. Intriguing, no? The Themequest Reading Challenge challenges readers to do just that. Now I know the rules state that you had to sign up before Dec. 31st and it is clearly long past that but I'm hoping it counts that I signed up in my own crowded little head on time (really, pinky swear). If not, c'est la vie and I'll pretend it's okay anyway since I intend to try and read the books no matter whether I'm allowed to bend the rules or not.

Here's the deal:

Choose one word you want to focus on during 2010—your “theme” for the year.

Usually it will be a word related to improving one’s life—words such as happiness, balance, simplicity, creativity, abundance, serenity… or come up with your own!

Then—read books related to that word.

Choose your level of participation:

THEME THING: Read 5 books related to your theme—at least 1 fiction and 1 nonfiction.

THEME MANIA: Read 7 books related to your theme—at least 2 fiction and 2 nonfiction.

THEME SUPREME: Read 10 books related to your theme—at least 3 fiction and 3 nonfiction.

1. The challenge runs from January 1 – December 31, 2010.
2. Participants may join anytime before December 31.
3. Re-reads and overlaps with other challenges are fine.
4. Audiobooks count!
5. No need to list your books beforehand, and no need to write reviews.
6. Create an intro post linking to this blog.
7. Then sign up here via Mr. Linky (below), using your intro post’s address. Please use this style: blog name (theme word); e.g., Unruly Reader (balance)
8. Add a Comment to this post, telling us your theme word and your level of participation.

So are you all going to laugh at me when I say my theme word is sex? (Mom, please close your eyes about now and don't open them again until the next post.) Yes, it's not really on a par with the other words that people are using that will improve their lives, like laughter, abundance, creativity, faith, happiness, etc. But I think sex is important (and so does my husband) in happy marriages and since I have about zero libido anymore, I thought a focus on the topic might help improve that. And I'm not talking about reading steamy romances to fulfill the theme (although I'm not above that either), I'm talking about fairly serious stuff (or not serious sounding but seriously intended). Now despite the fact that my husband would like me to read books about sex all day every day, I am only going to shoot for 5 books because really, how many other peoples' sex lives do I want to read about in this quest? I can always read more if I find that I like being a voyeur, right? So here's my list of proposed books (one of which I've already read and reviewed already this year):

1. The Sexual Life of Catherine M. by Catherine Millet
2. Been There, Haven’t Done That by Tara McCarthy
3. The Sex Life of My Aunt by Mavis Cheek
4. A Round-Heeled Woman by Jane Juska
5. Thoughts While Having Sex by Stephanie Lehmann


  1. Just a comment - don't underestimate a good, hot sexy romance to give your love life a kick.

  2. I'm certainly not underestimating them at all, just not counting them for this challenge. ;-)

  3. I applaud your choice of theme! I think if I had to read a raft of self-help books on happiness or some such, I would quickly drop out of the challenge. At least your book choices sound fun.

  4. Kristen,

    Welcome to the ThemeQuest Reading Challenge!

    I hereby declare you the winner of the most exciting topic selected thus far! : )

    Hope you enjoy your reading --

    Unruly Reader


I have had to disable the anonymous comment option to cut down on the spam and I apologize to those of you for whom this makes commenting a chore. I hope you'll still opt to leave me your thoughts. I love to hear what you think, especially so I know I'm not just whistling into the wind here at my computer.