

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Mailbox

I've had a sick kid since last weekend and so with that strange sense of time passing slowly, I didn't realize that the week during which I could receive books for the Monday Mailbox post was almost over. Luckily, at the very last minute, three books arrived so I could still write up this post. This past week's mailbox arrivals:

The Sweet By and By by Todd Johnson came from the publisher for a book tour through TLC Book Tours.
A group of five Southern women connected through a nursing home, this cross-generational tale of friendship and aging sounds lovely.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky by Heidi Durrow came from my favorites at Algonquin Books.
After a terrible tragedy, a biracial little girl who has been raised to think of herself as white goes to live with her African-American grandmother and is now expected to think of herself as black. I expect this is one that will make me think, even long after the final page is turned.

The Weight of Heaven by Thrity Umrigar came from the publisher for a book tour through TLC Book Tours.
A midwestern couple who has lost their young son moves to a village in India. I have read Umrigar's work before and was very impressed so I am looking forward to this tale of different cultures and the hearts of people.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Marcia at The Printed Page and enjoy seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. These all sound really good. Happy reading!

    Hope your kid is feeling better!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  2. love the cover for The Sweet By and BY.

    Have a great week and enjoy your new reads.

  3. I agree with Anna all of these sound terrific! Happy reading!

  4. I have a sick kid too :( Well, actually two, but thankfully the youngest one seems to be feeling better. It sucks, doesn't it? We were stuck in the house all weekend so that we didn't spread all of those lovely germs around.

    "The Weight of Heaven" is in my TBR pile. I'm a big Umrigar fan! I haven't read it yet because I actually bought it, and my review books tend to get read first. Enjoy it and I'll look forward to your review!

  5. Nice selection of books! I'm looking forward to your thoughts on each one.

  6. Sweet by and By definitely sounds good, I agree.

  7. I hope your kiddo is on the mend. All 3 of these books look wonderful! I can't wait to read your reviews.

  8. I'm on the Weight of Heaven tour as well. happy reading!


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