

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Mailbox

Between a few goodies waiting for me at home when we got back from our Christmas travels and a book I had sent to meet me at my parents, the mailbox stayed happy and full. Add to that my Christmas haul and I have an embarrassing amount of new books, which is always a good thing. Good thing this meme only requires me to admit those that came in the post! This past week's mailbox arrivals:

Shakespeare and Company by Sylvia Beach was a gift to me from myself.
This book about the famed Parisian bookshop (the original one) has been on my wishlist for more than 6 years. So when I needed to add something to my Christmas present order to qualify for free shipping, I decided it had been on the list for long enough. Heaven only knows when I'll get around to reading it, but I am just pleased to finally own it!

Solar by Ian McEwan came from Doubleday Books.
The brilliant McEwan takes on an academic who has coasted on his reputation for years and who goes to New Mexico in order to repair all that has gone wrong in his own life and to try and save humanity from itself. Not too ambitious a premise, hey?

An Assembly Such As This by Pamela Aidan came from Emily at Emily's Reading Room who was my partner in the Book Blogger's Holiday Swap.
Obviously it is completely and totally obvious to anyone who spends even one nanosecond on the blog that I am an Austen fan and happily read any of the Pride and Prejudice sequels, continuations, prequels, etc. This looks like a good series and I'll have to make time to read it soon.

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick came from Algonquin Books.
This has been very highly lauded this past year and although the fact that people have used the words thriller and psychological when describing it (words that generally scare me off quickly), it's always good to try and stretch your reading horizons a bit, right? Besides, a duplicitous mail-order wife has to make for stirring reading.

As always, if you'd like to see the marvelous goodies in other people's mailboxes, make sure to visit Marcia at The Printed Page and enjoy seeing how we are all doing our part to keep the USPS and delivery services viable.


  1. Solar sounds interesting. I've only read Atonement so I'll watch for your review of Solar! Enjoy all your books.

  2. An Assembly Such As This is very good, and I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a copy of Shakespeare & Co. Happy Reading!

  3. You had a great week! I've had A Reliable Wife in my TBR pile for a while and really need to get to it next year. An Assembly Such as This is a good read too. Happy reading in the New Year. Here's mine.

  4. I am looking forward to your review of Solar as Atonement is a favorite of mine.

    Enjoy your books!

  5. Great haul this week (and there's nothing wrong with that!) I found some amazing books on sale for $0.99 on Boxing Day, so I ended up with 14 new books this week altogether!

    I read "A Reliable Wife" a while back and found it really interesting. I hope that you enjoy it!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My goodness... You're my role model, for sure. I wish I could read that many books in a week. I'm happy with ONE a week!

    I've got the Fitzwilliam Darcy series too, sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I also received Twilight in a Goodreads swap this week. Like your taste!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

    Laura Hartness
    The Calico Critic

  8. A Reliable Wife and An Assembly Such As This sound interesting! Happy reading! And Happy New Year! :)

  9. You had a great week Kristen. I have the audio version of A Reliable Wife on my IPOD. enjoy

  10. Reliable wife made it into my inbox as well. I hope you enjoy it. happy reading and happy new year!

  11. A Reliable Wife sounds interesting! Enjoy!

  12. A Reliable Wife sounds like it could be a really good read. Hope you enjoy it!

    Happy Monday.

  13. I love Jane Austen too and An Assembly Such as This sounds like a very good read. Enjoy!

  14. The Reliable Wife looks good, but I enjoy a good thriller every once in a while. Enjoy your week.
    Bloody Bad

  15. Jane Austen sequels are my guilty pleasure, so I look forward to your thoughts on that book!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  16. Great mailbox! Enjoy your books.


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