

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A-Z Wednesday

Reading at the Beach is hosting A-Z Wednesday where bloggers take the time to highlight one book that starts with the letter of the day. This week is the letter N.

Nearer My Dog to Thee by Graham Mackintosh is a book I picked up several years ago in the tiny little bookstore by our cottage. It is an autographed copy, which is slightly odd as the book is set nowhere near the area and as much as I love Les Cheneaux, it's not exactly a marketing or publicity dream spot for authors who don't have some connection to the area. Maybe he was there to research a book set up north. (I'd love to see that.) In any case, I've pulled it and put it on my list for the What an Animal Reading Challenge so I hope to tackle it sometime before February.

Amazon says: Graham Mackintosh has done it again! With his characteristic humor and sense of wonder still undimmed, this beloved author brings his fans another armchair adventure in Baja California. This time, Mackintosh has substituted depth for breadth, exploring multiple aspects of just one area, the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir. His enthusiastic curiosity ranges from world history to natural history, and he writes with verve about everything from surviving thunderstorms to the experience of hearing about 9/11/01 on a small radio in a remote mountain tent. But Mackintosh is at his best writing about relationships, particularly his evolving relationship with his canine companions. His honesty, his maturing spirituality, and his easy way with words all combine to make "Nearer My Dog To Thee" a wonderful addition to the literature of Baja California.


  1. It does sound good. Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. Sounds interesting. The title made me laugh.

  3. If it's about dogs in any way, shape or form...I'm interested!
    (My N book is on my blog today.)

  4. Love the title and cover!!

    Thanks for playing!


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