

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday Shout-Out

On my travels through the blogging world, I find many books that pique my interest. I always add them to my wish list immediately but I tend to forget who deserves the blame credit for inspiring me to add them to my list (and to whom my husband would like to send the bill when I get around to actually buying them). So each Saturday I'm going to try and keep better track, link to my fellow book ferreter-outers (I know, not a word but useful nonetheless), and hopefully add to some of your wish lists too.

Building a House With My Husband by Rachel Simon was mentioned at The Debutante Ball.

Expat edited by Christina Henry de Tessan was mentioned at A Striped Armchair.

The Lady, the Chef and the Courtesan by Marisol was mentioned at A Striped Armchair.

The Book of Story Beginnings by Kristin Kladstrup was mentioned at Bloggin' 'bout Books.

Someday My Prince Will Come by Jerramy Fine was mentioned at A Life in Books.

What goodies have you added to your wish lists recently? Make your own list and leave a comment here so we can all see who has been a terrible influence inspiring you lately.


  1. Lots of good looking titles there! Thanks for posting about them so I can add them to my own wish list... lol

  2. I read BUILDING A HOME WITH MY HUSBAND and was fairly disappointed. It wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be. She's really negative and dredges up a bunch of things from the past that have nothing to do with what is going on in the present. I was glad I had checked it out from the library.


I have had to disable the anonymous comment option to cut down on the spam and I apologize to those of you for whom this makes commenting a chore. I hope you'll still opt to leave me your thoughts. I love to hear what you think, especially so I know I'm not just whistling into the wind here at my computer.