

Monday, November 2, 2009

It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week?

This meme is hosted by J. Kaye at J. Kaye's Book Blog.

Books I completed this week are:

Japan Took the J.A.P. Out of Me by Lisa Feinberg Cook
Wicked Charms by Jayel Wylie
Terra Incognita by Sarah Wheeler
A Friend of the Family by Lauren Grodstein
Alex and Me by Irene Pepperberg
Poachers by Tom Franklin

Bookmarks are still living in the middle of:

The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye
Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon
Shelf Discovery by Lizzie Skurnick

Reviews posted this week:

Japan Took the J.A.P. Out of Me by Lisa Fineberg Cook
Dragon House by John Shors
The Brandons by Angela Thirkell
The Lie by Fredrica Wagman


  1. Come on Kristen you should have reviewed as many as you read! Ok just your friendly blog nagger :) Great reading week and it's great that you got 4 reviews done. But this week you have to try and do 5. Teddyree is getting really behind on her reviews again as well, had to nag her too.

  2. LOL that's fantastic that you reviewed as many books as you read! Ok, no more nagging for you this week, you can have a week off for good behaviour. How does that sound? LMAO

  3. Ok, I'm finished laughing at Alaine's comments :D
    Have a great week and review some books, for heaven's sake, lol.

  4. I'm impressed with how many reviews you did, I've done none and I'm in big trouble LOL. *sigh* very depressing! Hope you have a great reading week and good luck reaching Alaine's review target :-)

  5. Well done and quite a few reviews as well, I am in awe. Mine is here:

  6. I love Irene Pepperberg! She is one awesome lady!

  7. Wow, you have quite the list there!

    Happy reading :D

  8. It looks like you had a great reading week! Good luck with the books (and reviews) you have lined up for this week :)

  9. Alex and Me is one I'd like to read. I'm an animal lover.

    Here's my post:

    Lynne's Letters

  10. Looks like you had a great week, several of these titles are not familiar so I need to go check them out!

  11. You are a prolific reader and reviewer! It looks like a terrific week.

  12. I still can't get over how many books you read in one week! I can only do three at best, LOL!!!!

  13. I haven't heard of any of your titles! New titles to suss out for me. :-)


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