

Monday, September 28, 2009

It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week?

This meme is hosted by J. Kaye at J. Kaye's Book Blog. I had another week of reading less than is usual for me but I signed up to be nagged about not being up to date on my reviews (hi Alaine!) so I was much better about posting those this week. Now I'm a mere 22 reviews behind. As bad as that sounds, it's real progress!

Books I completed this week are:

Between Me and the River by Carrie Host
The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwood
An Inside Passage by Kurt Caswell
Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiani

Bookmarks are still living in the middle of:

The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye
The Big Rock Candy Mountain by Wallace Stegner
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Bird
Atmospheric Disturbances by Rivka Galchen
Divided Lives by Elsa Walsh
Terra Incognita by Sarah Wheeler

Reviews posted this week:

The House on Fortune Street by Margot Livesey
The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Bronte by Syrie James
Sand in My Bra and Other Misadventures edited by Jennifer Leo
The Scenic Route by Binnie Kirshenbaum
Four Corners of the Sky by Michael Malone
Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson

Current giveaway on my blog:

The Blue Star by Tony Earley Enter before Oct. 9th for a chance to win one of five copies.


  1. Wow and I thought I read much at the same time, nice :)
    Happy reading

  2. It looks like you had a productive week with reading & reviews. Good luck on the 22 reviews still to go!

  3. Gary Blackwood lives in my community. I'm ashamed to say the only book of his that I have read is also The Shakespeare Stealer. What did you think of it?

    The Far Pavilions: I also took forever to read it (I've seen it in your bookmarks pile for some time. It was less worth the time than Kavalier & Clay. I'd be interested in your opinion.

  4. I want to read Far Pavillions. What I'm reading is on my link.

  5. I really liked The Shakespeare Stealer. It was the summer reading for my daughter's incoming sixth grade year so I wanted to read it along with her. Obviously I let her read it and write her project first and then she took it off to school so I couldn't finish until this past week.

    As for The Far Pavilions, I'm not far enough into it to have an opinion but since I finish everything I start, I will get back to it eventually, even if it's not worth it. ;-) Hopefully it won't be on the list for too many more weeks but I suspect it will!

  6. Isabella Bird is a fascinating person, I read a lot about her when I was working on a paper for grad school.

  7. I'm curious to hear what you thought of Viola in Reel Life. I love Trigiana's books, but haven't yet read this one . . . I hope you like the Stegner book. He's another one of my favorites.

  8. I read Viola last week, enjoyed it.
    Have a great week!

  9. The project your daughter worked on with The Shakespeare Stealer sounds interesting!

  10. Wow, what an amasing week! Happy reading this week. Mine is here:


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