

Saturday, July 4, 2009

An apology

To everyone kind enough to send me books for review, I am afraid I may not be writing those reviews very soon. I had packed all of the books to accompany us on vacation but the best laid plans of mice and men and all that. When we got here yesterday and headed to our cottage, our boat sank. The good news is that no one was hurt. The bad news is that everything we own is currently waterlogged beyond belief. I will eventually get to all the books, but it is going to take quite a while for them to dry out to be in any condition to be read.

For those interested in more details, I'm sure I will be writing one of my famous travelogues on this latest disaster in the long line of Kristen's excellent adventures and posting it here eventually.

P.S. I really am a fairly accomplished boater despite doing my darndest to drowwn my entire family and myself yesterday.


  1. I can only imagine the mess, but at least everyone is safe!

  2. OMG, Kristen...that is horrible. I am so glad you are all okay. Will be thinking of you in the days ahead!

  3. oh my goodness Kristen. Only you have such exciting travels. Glad everyone's OK but ooh what a mess...

    Hope there's a bookstore near by to keep the cravings at bay.

  4. This is terrible - here's to hoping your things dry out soon!

  5. I am so thankful that you are all safe - and I pray everything dries out quickly!

  6. Oh. My. Gosh. Thank goodness you all are okay! Things will dry out, but you being safe is the important part!

  7. Yikes; what a way to start off a vacation. I am so glad you are all safe.

  8. Wow! Dramatic start to your vacation! Glad you're all okay.

  9. Oh no! It's just good to hear that you're okay. I hope your books dry out soon. But I don't envy you picking the pages apart so they don't stick together. How will you manage??

  10. Oh No! I'm sorry to hear about your boat but am glad that you and your family are safe. Good luck!

  11. Wow that's awful! I'm glad your family is safe.

  12. On a completely different note, I gave you an award!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm glad everyone is okay.

    I, too, gave you an award :)

  14. Oh, no! How horrible, but at least everyone is okay.

    Diary of an Eccentric


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