

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Mailbox

It was a bit of an odd week around here mail-wise. I know that mail can get rather backed up after a national holiday and perhaps that accounts for it. But days went by after Memorial Day when all we got in the mailbox was the grocery store circular. Seriously! Not even bills arrived. So you know something dire was going on. My anniversary present didn't arrive (much to my husband's chagrin since he is teased annually about his ability to gift something to me without it ever appearing in my possession--although the deck furniture from two years ago did finally materialize a week ago). And certainly no books were forthcoming. I thought it would be a mopey, sad Monday mailbox. But finally the universe seems to have righted itself and real mail started coming again. Here's last week's few:

The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale
I was thrilled when I received the e-mail saying that this one was coming since I bought and inhaled the lovely confection that was Hale's Austenland when it first came out. I'm hoping this one has the same fun, lightheartedness to it that that one did.

The Link by Colin Tudge
Oddly enough, this one came twice and I given that I keep pretty meticulous records to make sure I only request things once, I have no idea what sort of snafu occurred to have it arriving here twice. I am (apparently doubly) interested to read it especially given the media coverage of the find that almost wasn't revealed to the world.

As always, if you'd like to check out the goodies that other people found in their mailboxes, check out The Printed Page where Marcia kindly hosts this meme every week.


  1. I only got one book this week. mailboxOh I started a book discussion forum on my website called Cafe Blue! I hope that you'll join us.

  2. I look forward to your review of the Hale book!

  3. i got shannon hale's book last week. happy reading.

    here's my mailbox:

  4. I'm due to get the Shannon Hale book but it hasn't arrived yet!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! I had only one book in my mailbox also and you are reading it so glad that you're enjoying it. I have to bump up Austenland in my TBR pile. I've heard such great reviews of Shannon Hale.

  6. Both of your new books look great!

  7. Thanks for visiting my mailbox..
    I watched The Link show, but not quite sure if I could also read about it afterwards.. and definitely not doubly. Perhaps a future giveaway?
    And that has happened to me before, I had gotten the same book a month or so ago; one directly from the auathor & then about 2 weeks later from the publisher. I was thoroughly confused. Seems everyone else can get a little confused too!

  8. (I do know how to spell author, but I certainly do not admit to knowing how to type)

  9. I have had those weeks, not even junkmail, something was seriously wrong lol.
    Glad you got some books at last.

  10. Post has been slow over here in England too as we had a bank holiday weekend. They look like good books though.

  11. I would love to read the Shannon Hale book! I haven't heard of The Link before.

    Enjoy your new books :)

  12. Good books! I've heard great things and I look forward to hearing what you think of them. I've got both of them on my list. Enjoy and have a terrific week!

  13. The Hale book sounds great. Enjoy!

  14. I've had my eye on The Actor and The Housewife for quite some time. :) happy reading!

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  15. Your comments about The Link kinda creep me out. Now I want to find the book and see what the heck you're talking about!!!

  16. Phew! I thought somewhere I'd slipped up, but I feel better now. I too got two copies of the LINK. I think I'll be magnanimous and donate one to our small town public library.

  17. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Shannon Hale book. It sounds good. Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric


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