

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Winners x 15

I had the birthday boy choose random numbers for the massive book giveaway and as soon as he did, the computer connection pooped out. My long suffering husband has allowed me to touch the sacred work computer in order to post the winners. Without further ado:

Jantsen's Gift winners
1. Liyana
2. liane66
3. nightdweller20
4. Wanda
5. bookreviewsbybobbie

Girls in Trucks winners
1. Chris
2. Jennifer
3. Beth
4. Deborah (and happy birthday to you too--honest, the birthday boy didn't know you shared your day when he chose either!)
5. tatertot374

The Girl Who Stopped Swimming winners
1. NotNessie
2. VioletReads (didn't you win one last time too?!)
3. Polo.Pony
4. Carrie K
5. Kaye

With luck my computer will be functional again tomorrow so I can e-mail the winners for their addresses but in the meantime, know you've won and I'll be in touch as soon as the computer gods smile on me again, or I can beg/sneak my way onto the sacred work laptop again. :-)

For those who didn't win, I feel your pain but come back for a Cinco de Mayo giveaway of Do-Over by Robin Hemley, a non-fiction book that looks like it will be quite an hysterical read sinced it chronicles Hemleys' going back to kindergarten and prom and many spots in between at the age of 48. I know I'm looking forward to reading it myself!


  1. Wow. Thank you. You're right - I did win another book from you not long ago. You must be particularly lucky for me! I promise to sit the next one out to spread the wealth around. I am totally excited to read this, though

  2. I won! I won! Yippee! Hooray! And the book looks great.

    I refuse to sit the next one out though. I only won one.

  3. Congrats to all the lucky winners!!

    I think a cinco de mayo giveaway is a GREAT creative idea!!

  4. Whooo!!!! I can't wait to read Girls in Trucks!


  5. Oh my goodness…Thank you so much, Kristen! :-)
    Happy belated Birthday to your little guy.
    Congratulation to all of the other winners; what wonderful books!

    Thanks again!


  6. hooray, I won! I'm not sure I've sent you my mailing address yet, though.

  7. Hmm.. as far as I can tell I haven't emailed you my address yet. I can't find your email anywhere(must have landed in the spam folder), so would you mind emailing me one more time so i can send it to you? Thanks!


  8. Thank you so much!!!!

  9. I won Jantsen's Gift, but I already have a copy :( So you can give mine to someone else


I have had to disable the anonymous comment option to cut down on the spam and I apologize to those of you for whom this makes commenting a chore. I hope you'll still opt to leave me your thoughts. I love to hear what you think, especially so I know I'm not just whistling into the wind here at my computer.