

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday Mailbox

It's time for my weekly gloating, ahem, I mean gushing session. I'm not really gloating but I am definitely gushing. I love, love, love getting books in the mail. This week, not only did I get books, but the former owners of my house also got books. UPS dropped off a box that was disproportionately heavy and skedaddled without checking to make sure we were the same people to whom the box was addressed. We weren't so I called a neighbor who is still close to the former owners and she called them so we could effect a way to get said box to its proper owners. Turns out it was many copies of the book the Mr. who used to live here wrote (will have to check this out at amazon). How funny that this house seems to have a bookish aura about it! (And how unfriendly that they didn't even offer me a copy--okay, not really since I have no idea what the book is about but still...)

Now on to the books that really did come for me this week:

Jantsen's Gift by Pam Cope came from the good and generous folks at Hatchette Book Group. This one looks hard (the death of Cope's 15 year old son started her on the path that led to this memoir) but excellent.
Doubleday sent Ayelet Waldman's Bad Mother, a title which highly entertained my husband when he saw it on the kitchen counter. He knew enough not to suggest that it was appropriate for me though!
The Walking People by Mary Beth Keane arrived from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt despite the fact that I had also received an e-mail saying that I was too late for an ARC copy. I must have asked for it twice and I'm glad as can be that one of those times I was in time to get a copy!
And finally, I received an unexpected but very much appreciated copy of Every Last Cuckoo by Kate Maloy from Algonquin Books. I already love this one just based on the beauty of the cover. But since I tend to like all things Algonquin, I have no doubts the contents will be every bit as wonderful as the packaging.

For those of you who like to read about what other folks have also gotten in their mailboxes, head over to the lovely Marcia's blog at The Printed Page and see what everyone else found waiting for them this past week.

For those of you who are just the slightest bit jealous and want to get books in your very own mailbox, enter to win a copy of I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti by Guilia Melucci here no later than Apr. 8 (the giveaway is in the final paragraph of the post) or click here to win a copy of Girls in Trucks by Katie Crouch at Angela's Library Girl Reads


  1. I saw The Walking people on a another blog today, and I do wanna read it.
    So enjoy :D

  2. Gotta love getting all those books in the mail!

    Thanks for posting about my Girls in Trucks giveaway. I really enjoy helping the people at Hachette Book Group give away great books.

  3. This is the 4th mention of The Walking People. Can't wait to read it myself!

  4. The Walking People, Jantsen's Gift, and Every Last Cuckoo sound like some good books. happy reading.

    here's my mailbox:

  5. The cover of Every Last Cuckoo is attractive.

  6. I also received Every Last Cuckoo, and I think it sounds like a wonderful story - can't wait to get to it!

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  7. Thank you for stopping by the mailbox this week. So was the Mr. buying his own books to promote sales at Amazon?! Enjoy your books!

    P.S. yes I do believe our reading tastes are very similar.


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