

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mailbox Monday

I had another happy book week last week with four, shiny, new books coming to live at my house. Two are non-fiction this week and two are fiction so a nicely balanced week.

I scored a LibraryThing Early Reviewer copy of A Final Arc of Sky by Jennifer Culkin, a lovely memoir written by an emergency flight nurse. I've already read this one and enjoyed it quite a lot.

From Putname Books came Spiced: A Pastry Chef's True Stories of Trials by Fire, After-Hours Exploits, and What Really Goes On In the Kitchen by Dalia Jurgensen. And since I love to read about food almost as much as I love to eat it, this should be a satisfying one.

The Wish Maker by Ali Sethi came from Riverhead Books. This is a novel about a fatherless boy being raised with his female cousin in Pakistan, and given my fascination with Pakistani culture, it is right up my alley.

And finally, Shaye Ayreheart Books sent Angels of Destruction by Keith Donohue, a novel about a woman who takes in a young girl who appears on her doorstep, passing her off as her granddaughter and the child of her daughter who had run off and disappeared ten years prior. Finding out the answers to the questions this one raises should be a good ride.

As always, if you want to see what others found in their mailboxes this past week, check out Marcia's blog at The Printed Page. And don't forget to stop by below and enter my book giveaways!


  1. We got some of the same books! My hubby read Spiced already and he enjoyed it.

  2. I'll watch for your review of Spiced. Sounds good!

  3. I got some of the same books as well. I can't wait to read Spiced, I love foodie books.

  4. Wow, those look like some great books I have not heard of....thanks for sharing your mailbox.

    Happy Reading.

  5. Spiced sounds like a GREAT book! I look forward to your review in the future.

  6. I had not heard of Angels of Destruction until your post but it looks really intense.

  7. I forgot to mention in my previous comment that I am like you when I refer to new books.. so shiny and new and full of promise. I just love getting books in the mail.

  8. I haven't heard of Angels of Destruction either. I look forward to seeing your review of that one!

  9. A Final Arc of Sky looks good. I have really started enjoying memoirs more since I started my blog!

    Enjoy your books!

  10. Some good ones there - I also snagged The Wish Maker :)

  11. The Donohue book sounds interesting :)
    Happy reading

  12. Kristen, you've won an award -please stop by Merry Weather to pick it up and congratulations.
    p.s. I just finished Spiced - think you'll like it too but don't read it if your hungry -the food descriptions are great : D

    Merry Weather

  13. I really want to read Spiced. I adore anything, fiction or non-fiction that has to do with food!

  14. Nice books! Isn't it fun to open your mailbox and get a bunch of new reads?

  15. Angels of Destruction sounds good - Enjoy your reading week :-)

  16. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the Keith Donohue book. At the writing conference I went to on Sat., I sat in on a panel about writing novels and point of view, and he was one of the panelists.

    Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  17. Thank you for stopping by the mailbox this week. We share 'The Wish Maker' and I just added 'A Final Arc of Sky' to my wish list. Enjoy your books!


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