

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Forgot the positive, didn't I?

In my last post on moving, I conveniently forgot to mention the positive I mentioned in the title. Not much of a surprise given how I feel in general about moving, but I did promise it (in some sense) so here it is:

When in the middle of a move, all of your plates and dishes, pots and pans, utensils, and the like will all be packed so you don't even have to make an excuse to go out to eat every meal. Of course the constant fast food gets old and anything else gets expensive, but it's a nice treat to start with anyway. (Or, if you're like me and your husband being away is a license to eat out constantly, it is a comfortable part of the usual routine! )

And because you knew I had a few more negatives I forgot as well: can any one explain to me how a crew of all guys can blow through all 3 rolls of toilet paper that I had saved out from the packers? I should have been the only one using the stuff the majority of time and yet by day two, when I thought my bladder might explode, there was not one scrap of toilet paper in the house. There were also no napkins, no paper towels, and no Kleenex. (I think all of these were packed with the plates et al noted above.0 Yes, I actually had to go out and buy more toilet paper to make it through and haul the rest of the rolls from the package in the car because the packers had already been, used more than their quota of my toilet paper, and gone, of course.

I'm also curious (I'm really trying to be diplomatic here) to see what other members of my family think are priceless enough that we have to pack them in the car because we don't want the movers to take them. I choose to take family pictures, my jewelry, and anything that we keep in the safe. So imagine my surprise when D. came out of the house carrying two full bags of DVD's. What the heck was so priceless about those? Astonishing, really. And he was shocked that I deemed them of such little importance that I fully intended to let the movers take them. I sort of figure that I can't replace pictures of our children's babyhoods but that Full Metal Jacket on DVD is widely available for replacement. Silly me! To make matters worse, he didn't include the videeo from our wedding in those he deemed so valuable. Then again, I'd be just as happy if that disappeared as it captures for posterity my sister calling me difficult in front of all our nearest and dearest (and she wasn't refering to a bridezilla situation, she was labeling my whole life). Anyway, we're all relieved to know that the movies I wouldn't watch if you paid me have made it down here to Charlotte, in advance of the moving truck, safe and sound. The tv to watch them on is still on the truck, but that, my dears, is immaterial!

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